Hold On

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Derek watched Stiles as they danced around the floor, being watched by those around them; their friends and family coming from even the farthest parts of the country to be here today.
Seven years ago, neither of them would expect to be here today. Seven years ago, the two were both still single, and crushing hard for each other. The only thing keeping them apart was their anxieties and worries, their depression and feelings of worthlessness. However, that is actually what helped the two come together.
After the nogitsune, Stiles fell into an even further pit than before. His father wouldn't talk to him, Scott was pretending that Stiles never existed, and the pack followed suit. The only one who still have a shit about Stiles was Derek, and he had left to Mexico to be with Cora.
Stiles began to spiral, and he spiralled fast. He went from not talking, to not eating, to taking a blade to himself to try and take away some of his pain.
Eventually, Derek came back to Beacon Hills, and he was shocked at what he was seeing. His pack was in tatters, Scott was being blinded by a villain right under his nose, and Stiles was the skeleton of the hyper-active teenage boy he used to know. Derek has just begun overcoming his own demons, so he understood exactly what the boy was going through, but no matter what he tried, he couldn't seem to connect with the human.
He tried talking to him, taking him out to the grocery store with him, and even cooking him meals to make sure he ate, but the boy was empty, nothing left in his soul.

"Stiles?" Derek asked when he showed up in the boy's bedroom one night. It was roughly 8 o'clock, and the sheriff wouldn't be home until 11.
"Derek." Stiles whispers and Derek is shocked.
"Stiles! You-you said my name. I haven't heard you speak in months. I've missed the sound of your voice!" Derek smiles and pulls Stiles into a hug.
"Der..." Stiles whispers and Derek begins to tear up.
"Stiles! God! Your voice is so beautiful!" Derek cries and tucks his face into Stiles' neck.
He feels Stiles raise and hand and gently place it on his back.
"You're really here." Stiles whispers and Derek cries even harder.
"God Stiles. I love you, so damn much. I love everything about you, and I need you in my life." Derek sobs into Stiles' shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Stiles whispers and places a kiss on Derek's cheek.
Stiles slowly breaks away from Derek and make his way into his bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
"Stiles?" Derek asks and he hears the sobs become louder from inside the bathroom.
He looks over to the bedside table and spots an empty prescription bottle, supposed to be filled with Stiles sleeping pills for the nights he can't fall asleep due to his ADHD.
"STILES!" He yells and runs to the bathroom, banging on the door.
"STILES!! OPEN THE DOOR!" He shouts,
hammering in the door.
"STILES!! You can't do this to me!! I need you! I want to spend every waking minute loving you! Please Stiles! Open the door! I love you!!" Derek sobs as he pounds on the door.
He hears a thud from inside the bathroom, and that's the last straw before he kicks in the door. Inside, he finds Stiles laying unconscious on the floor.
"NO! NO NO NO!! You can't leave me!" Derek cries as he whips out his phone and dials 911.
"Stiles! You can't leave me! Do you hear me?! I need you! I want to spend the rest of my days with you. You can't leave me." Derek cries and he listens to Stiles' soft heartbeat becoming fainter.
The paramedics revive Stiles in his bathroom, then load him into a stretcher to rush him to the hospital.
John was called to the scene, and he was very confused about what was happening.
"Hale? What are you doing here? Why am I being called to my own house when there's nothing wrong?" He complains, annoyed.
"John, Stiles just tried to kill himself."
"W-w-what? What are you talking about?"
"He downed a bottle of pills before I arrived, then locked himself in his bathroom after." Derek whisper with tears sliding down his cheeks.
"You, you love him, don't you."
Derek nodded slowly.
"I have for the past 2 years. He's 18 now, he can make his own decisions."
"I-I'm glad. Out of everyone he could end up with, I believe there's a reason it's you. Go be with him, I'll call the rest of your pack and tell them what happened." John says, still clearly in shock and worried for his only son, but trying to stay strong for Derek who could crumble at any moment.
It took 4 hours before Stiles was deemed stable by the doctors. Derek paced the waiting room the entire time, while the pack slowly filed in to wait for the news as well.
"Stilinski?" The doctor calls out and Derek runs up to him.
"How is he? Is he ok? Oh God! He didn't make it did he?!" Derek begins to panic and Isaac comes up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Derek, let the man speak." He whispers and Derek takes a deep breath and nods.
"Mr. Stilinski is alive, and he's stable." Derek lets out a sigh of relief and pulls Isaac into a hug before turning back to the doctor.
"His stomach was pumped, and we put on some antibiotics and glucose to get his body back on the right track. He's going to be just fine. However, we want to keep Stiles here for a little while in our rehabilitation centre until we know he's not a threat to himself anymore. We know he's had anxiety and depression in the past, so we just want to help him get himself back on the right track so he can move past this time in his life. It's great seeing that he has so many people here to care for him."
Derek turns to look at John, Scott, and the rest of the pack (minus Isaac), and he growls lowly at them.
"More or less." He mumbles quietly and the doctor nods his head, clearly picking up on the hostility.
"He should be waking up right about now, I can take you back to see him, your boyfriend will be happy to see you." The doctor says and Derek's heart drops, but he doesn't say anything.
Derek follows the man back to the patient rooms and he's brought into a large, blank looking room, with a single bed in the centre and two chairs on either side of it. Laying in the middle of the bed, hooked up to numerous wires and IV's, was the pale skinned, freckled, brown eyed boy he fell so deeply in love with him.
Derek begins to tear up at the sight of his love, and he hesitates before holding Stiles' hand. He feels him squeeze back, and he breaks down.
"Stiles! Stiles, baby. I'm here. I'm here for you. I love you so much."
Stiles gently opened his eyes and Derek wipes away the tears that were forming at the corners of his eyes.
Derek smiles through the tears, and Stiles smiles the best he could.
"I mean it. I love you Stiles. And I'm going to be here for every step of your recovery. I'm not giving up on you."

Stiles had a few stray tears run down his face as his husband tightened his hands around his waist. He was the luckiest guy ever to have found someone so willing to stay and put up with his stubbornness. Stiles didn't think they were going to make it through Stiles' recovery period. He was in a rehab facility for a month, then they placed him in therapy for another year, just to make sure things stayed on the right course. Stiles hated every moment of it, but Derek was there to encourage him and cheer him up after a long day.

"Hey! How was your session today?" Derek asked as Stiles walked in the door to their apartment.
Stiles huffed and remained quiet.
"Derek, I don't wanna talk about it!" Stiles yelled at his boyfriend.
"Hey, it's ok. That's ok." Derek said gently as he walked over to his boyfriend.
"Breathe Stiles. Let's just take a moment." Derek says resting his hands gently on Stiles' hips.
"Now what made today so terrible? I thought you were beginning to like your therapist." He asked and stiles sighed before nodding.
"It wasn't my therapist. She just started to bring up issues with my mom and dad, and then Scott and how he hasn't been keeping distance like we asked him to to help with my healing. It all just got to be too much, and I hate feeling this way. I'm not suicidal anymore. I have you, you are what I want to live for, now and always. I love you, Derek." Stiles says and Derek smiles brightly.
"You love me?" He asks and Stiles blushes.
"Yeah. I-I love you Derek Hale. With every little piece of my soul. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You've always been here for me, and I've taken advantage of that. So thank you Der, for everything you've ever done for me. I've truly appreciated it, and I love you. Some days I question why you want me. Why you've sticked around this long." Stiles explains and Derek begins to tear up.
"I love you! I love everything about you Stiles. I've done so much for you because of the love I have for you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too. I want a family, and I want the white picket fence too, as long as it's with you. I don't trust anyone else as much as I trust you." Derek smiles gently and Stiles launches himself into Derek lap to kiss him.

The couple share a gentle kiss in the centre of the dance floor while their family and friends clap and hoot at the newlyweds. They weren't perfect, but they were happy. The pack had finally come back together as one, and John was proud of his son, and his new son-in-law. The two have gone through so much together, but they wouldn't have it any other way. They held on through the thick and thin, through all of the tough times, and the trying times, but they made it through, and now they have the rest of their lives to look forward too. Just hold on.

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