Heather (Part 2)

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It's been two long months since Stiles moved to New York, and he was proudly beginning to make a name for himself in the new city. Between working towards his degree and his YouTube channel growing in popularity every day, Stiles finally felt like he had something in his life to be proud of, and felt a sense of accomplishment already.
He smiled himself as he looked over his sheet music and lyrics one last time before he was going to record. His fans had begged him to sing one of his own songs and he promised he would, so here he was, and goodness, did that video go viral!
- - - - -
Derek sighs as he walks back in the front door to his and Scott's apartment after his jog.
Derek and Scott both got into UCLA, and decided to get an apartment together instead of living on campus.
Scott was currently on campus due to an early morning class, but it was still surprising when he got a phone call from his roommate and friend.
"Hello?" Derek answers and Scott is yelling in his ear.
"DUDE! Have you checked out Stiles' YouTube recently?!" Scott exclaims and Derek frowns with a sigh.
He hadn't seen or heard from Stiles in months, long before their graduation before they all moved away. He's not even quite sure where Stiles ended up going to school, just that he went out of state.

He still remembers the day he came home from work that night and found his family in the living room all looking around at his dark blue hoodie that's been neatly folded and placed on the coffee table.
"Hey, what's going on?" He asked, placing down his backpack and walking further into the room.
"Stiles left this for you. We thought it might have been Heather, but the doorbell camera showed him leaving it on the front porch. There's a letter addressed to you." His mom explains and Derek is growing more and more concerned.
"What?" He questions and moves forward to pick up the envelope that has his name written on the front in Stiles' chicken-scratch.
He slowly opens it and pull out the folded piece of paper within it, his family watching carefully for any hints to what is says.
Once he's done reading it over, Derek clears his throat and wipes a tear from his eye.
"He, uh, he brought back my sweater because he knows Heather likes it. He thanks me for my friendship over these last few years, says there's so much he wishes to tell me but can't because I'm happy and he doesn't want to ruin it."
"Oh Der-" Laura starts but Derek doesn't listen.
"Then says he's leaving the state for school, wants to start fresh and try to be happy." Derek sighs and feels his heart sink further into his chest.
"What does that even mean?! I thought he was happy here? And what could he possibly ruin for me? Yeah I'm happy, but what sort of thing could he tell me that could ruin it?" Derek rants off and his family is silent for a moment before his mom pipes in.
"Der, what do you think he could be telling you from this?" Talia asks softly and Derek frowns.
"I don't know! It's not like he loves me or something like that! First of all, he would've told me already, and secondly, he's not gay!" He groans running his fingers through his hair.
"Derek, I'm going to explain something very clearly for you." Laura smiles gently, almost with a slight knowing smirk, "Stiles is gay."
"WHAT?! No! You're lying." Derek scoffs and frowns angrily at his sister.
"Well, maybe not gay completely, he could always be bi like you." Cora adds.
"Stop lying! He's not gay! I would've noticed! He would've said something!" Derek yells, grabbing his sweater and storming up to his bedroom.

"No I haven't. Why? Should I?" He asks and Scott scoffs as if it were obvious.
"DUH!! Hell yeah! It's his most recent video and it's gone viral. Most people on campus have seen it already. I've already got a text from Kira that everyone back in Beacon Hills has seen it, which likely includes Heather by the way." Scott explains and Derek is very confused.
"What now? What does it matter if she has seen it? We broke up weeks ago." Derek asks and Scott sighs and is quiet for a moment as if considering carefully what to say next.
"Derek, it's a big slap in the face as to why he stopped talking to us. And more specifically you! Just go watch it!" Scott huffs and hangs up.
Derek pulls up Stiles' channel on his phone and scrolls to find the most recently posted, labelled 'Keeping My Promise', and clicking on it.
Scott wasn't lying though, the video had nearly 250,000 views, and was only posted yesterday!
Derek smiles as Stiles appears on his screen with a gentle smile and his guitar in his lap.
"Hey guys! So today I'm keeping my promise to you guys and I'm going to be performing a song that I wrote myself. It's sort of sad, but it's freeing too, maybe more so for me than you guys, but oh well!" Stiles chuckles a little.
"Anyway, I hope you guys like it, and make sure to give me a like or a comment with what song I should do next!"
As Stiles starts strumming, Derek realizes just how much better Stiles has gotten on the guitar since he had last heard him play, which was incredible because he was already amazing at it.
He listens to the lyrics as they begin and his heart drops immediately.
He remembers that night vividly as the night he met Heather, but he also remembers it as the night Stiles looked so damn beautiful in his sweater he just wanted to kiss him! But he knew that Stiles wasn't gay, and would never feel the same way about him, so he tried to move on. Heather was an easy option, but there was something about her that he just could never connect with, and that's why their relationship ended about a month and a half ago.
Derek feels his face go cold as he finishes watching the YouTube video, the familiar face he once called a friend fading from the screen as the video ended.
He's awestruck, and the feeling of regret immediately floods him as the realization hits him.
"Holy shit." He whispers to myself and feels his palms begin getting sweaty.
"Holy shit!" Derek exclaims and picks up his phone to call Scott back immediately.
"HOLY SHIT!" He screams into the phone when Scott picks up.
Scott takes a moment, likely readjusting his hearing from Derek's scream, before answering "You watched it?".
"He loved me! Loves me? He stopped talking to us, me, whatever, because of Heather!"
"It must've hurt him to see it everyday." Scott sighs.
"Not only that! We started using everything as double dates, and not only did Stiles not have a date, but we'd ditch him constantly! Oh my god, we were terrible friends!"
"Gosh, we really were, weren't we? I feel awful! But now that I think about everything, the letter he left you makes more sense." Scott points out.
"I don't want to ruin the good thing you've got going for you. You're happy, and I could never take that away from you. He wanted to tell me he was in love with me, but I was with Heather! He didn't want to risk or ruin my happiness, so he gave up his own instead." Derek sighs sitting down on the couch and feeling just about every emotion possible right now.
"Now the next big question is, how do you feel about him?" Scott asks and Derek doesn't answer for a few moments before he smiles gently to himself.
"I love him. I-I always have. Heather was a long attempt to get rid of my feelings because I knew, or thought I knew that Stiles wasn't gay, or bi, or pan, whatever! I thought he was straighter than you! That's why I never tried to get with him." Derek explains and Scott chuckles before sounding almost confused.
"Firstly, anyone with eyes could see that Stiles was not entirely straight, and secondly, I am the straightest of the three of us, thank you very much!" Scott laughs and Derek smiles gently with a groan.
"I've got to talk to him! I need to know where he is." Derek sighs and Scott groans.
"But we don't know where he is! And John was probably told not to tell any of us!"
"But he probably doesn't know who Heather is!" Derek smirks and Scott gasps.
"We could ask her to get his address from John? This weekend we can go back home?" Scott suggests and Derek nods regardless of Scott not being able to see him.
"Heather would help us, she's still a good friend." Derek smiles.
- - - - -
That Weekend...
"You know the sheriff isn't stupid right?" Heather grins as she climbs back in the car the group had parked down the street and out of view of the house.
"What?" Derek asks and Scott frowns.
"He knew who I was you idiots, my dad works for the town!"
"Why didn't you say anything then?!" Scott groans.
"Because he's the sheriff! He knows everyone!" Heather shouts.
"Anyway, did he say anything?" Kira asks and Heather shakes her head.
"Said Stiles would kill him if he told us anything about where he was. He did let it slip however that he's somewhere on the East coast, but nothing else useful. He did however say that Stiles comes home some weekends when he's got free time, or otherwise we'll have to wait for the holidays." She explains and Derek's heart sinks once again.
"I don't know if I can wait that long." Derek sighs and Heather pats his shoulder.
"Derek dear, you dated me for 8 months while in love with someone else. I'm sure you can wait either another two weeks until Thanksgiving, or until Christmas." Heather smirks and Derek glares at her playfully.
"Yeah, but you also compared our relationship to practising to become a nun due to the absolute lack of sex." Derek questions and she nods.
"So what do we do now?" Scott asks and Derek sighs once more.
"We wait for him to come home, I guess." As he shifts the car into drive and pulls away from the curb.
- - - - -
Two weeks pass terribly slow for Derek, but he finally makes it back home to Beacon Hills.
He's greatly disappointed when he drives by the Stilinski house and doesn't see the signature blue jeep in the driveway. To his surprise, neither is the sheriff's cruiser. When he runs into their neighbours the next day, he asks them about them and finds out that the sheriff actually drove down to see Stiles and spend the weekend with him.
Derek frowns and spends the rest of the weekend pouting in his bedroom, only coming down for their family dinner.
- - - - -
Christmas seemed to come quickly following Thanksgiving. Classes were picking up the pace and Derek was more than excited to make it back home to Beacon Hills to see his family and have a few weeks off to himself.
On the first day home, he made a trip past Stiles' house and saw no blue jeep, which was understandable, maybe Stiles wasn't off yet.
The second day and third day were the same, no jeep in the driveway, and the cruiser was always over at the station.
By the 7th day of being home, Christmas Eve, without any cars in the driveway, he decides to pull in and try knocking on the door. He knocks 3 times but isn't surprised to get no answer. He frowns to himself and heads back down the walkway towards his car, but is surprised to see that John had pulled in and parked beside him.
"Sheriff. Hi." He greets and John looks confused, but not surprised to see him.
"Is he not answering?" The older man asks and Derek looks confused.
"He's home. His flight got in the other day. He didn't feel like driving down so he caught a cheap flight and I picked him up." John explains and Derek's heart speeds up.
"After thanksgiving, I guess I thought he wasn't coming home for holidays."
"That's probably why when you drove by and didn't see the Jeep, you just kept going right?" The older asks and Derek is confused and surprised the sheriff knew he was driving by.
"Neighbours mentioned a black camero was driving by at least once a day for the past 6 days. It's not hard to piece together who it was." John chuckles and pats Derek on the shoulder.
"So-so he's home? Why won't he answer?"
"Well I'm going to go give him no choice. He's pouted and avoided you all for so long now, especially once he posted that song. But I've got to ask, how did you not realize he loved you?" John asks as they walk up towards the front door.
"I-I don't know! I've loved him forever, but I didn't think he'd ever feel the same way so I guess I just played it off as nothing?" Derek sighs and John nods.
"I've got to be back on duty until late tonight. I trust that you will try to sort things out or respect each other's wishes if you can't. And make sure any making up is done before I get home." John smirks slightly and Derek looks confused.
"John, wait what?"
"I didn't say anything Hale. Don't know what you're talking about." John says and moves towards the bottom of the stairs.
"Stiles, can you come down here please?" He tells up at his son and there's the sound of footsteps following.
"Yeah dad?" He asks, eyes glued to the phone in his hand so he doesn't see Derek standing there.
"This is yours." He says pushing Derek forwards, causing him to bump and fall on top of Stiles.
"Wha-" Stiles squeaks and his eyes finally fall on Derek.
"Umm, hi?" Derek offers and Stiles goes still under him.
"Oh god damn." Stiles whispers to himself.
"See you later boys!" John smirks as he walks out the front door, leaving the two boys alone, Derek still hovering on top of Stiles.
"Ummm, so, can we talk?" Derek asks and Stiles sighs to himself.
"Can you let me up first?" Stiles asks quietly and Derek scurries off of him, lending him a hand up.
"Now then, there's nothing to talk about Derek." Stiles frowns after brushing himself off, and moves to turn back towards the stairs.
"Yes there is! Good lord Stiles, you love me! Or at least loved me! And you never told me!" Derek yells at him and Stiles stops in his tracks.
"I didn't tell you because there was no point. You were with Heather, you were happy! I wasn't about to get in the way of that!" Stiles yells back, tears forming in his eyes.
When Derek doesn't respond for a silent moment, Stiles runs back up the stairs and to his room, slamming the door shut.
"Stiles!" Derek calls out as he follows suit, and makes his way up the stairs.
He stands in front of Stiles' shut door and sighs, leaning his head against it as he thinks of why to say.
He can hear Stiles sobbing quietly on the other side of the door, and it breaks his heart.
"Stiles, can you please open the door?" He asks gently and he hears Stiles shuffle, but the door doesn't open.
"Just go home Derek. Go be with her." Stiles mumbles through the door, and Derek smiles a small smile to himself.
"Stiles, Heather and I broke up nearly 3 months ago now. Yeah she was pretty and she was nice, but she wasn't my soulmate, I had already met them." Derek starts and he hears Stiles slowly climb to his feet.
"What? What do you mean?" He asks quietly.
"I mean that she couldn't make me laugh the way my soulmate could, she didn't get me in the same way they do, and she wasn't nearly as beautiful as my soulmate, nor was she anywhere near as sexy. And she didn't have my heart like my soulmate does." Derek explains and he hears Stiles chuckle for a second before he sighs.
"Well, whoever they are they're a very lucky person." Stiles whispers.
"Yeah, they really are. He's kind, caring, and most importantly incredibly forgiving. He's sweet and gentle, and has so many moles dotting his skin you could find constellations in them. He's got the brightest smile I've ever seen, and I'm really hoping he, or should I say you, will give me a second chance?" Derek finishes and he hears nothing but silence from the other side of the door.
"Stiles?" He calls, and hears the smaller man shuffle in his place against the door.
"Derek, I don't know if I can." Stiles replies and Derek sighs before leaning his forehead against the door once more.
"Stiles, I wish you would've told me that you loved me. You wouldn't have been ruining my happiness, because you are my happiness. Okay? From day one! You weren't just my best friend, you were the one I was in love with too! And it's my fault too, because I never told you either. I didn't think you'd ever actually like me like that, I thought you were straight! But I guess I was completely wrong." Derek explains with a tear running down his cheek. He can't believe he just blurted all of that out.
Stiles was silent for another few moments before Derek felt the doorknob begin to turn slowly, and the door was pulled away from him.
"You mean that?" Stiles whispers, eyes red from crying and tear tracks running down his cheeks.
"God yes! Every word Stiles!" Derek nods and he's about to continue his explanation when Stiles' hands cup his cheeks and pull him into a long kiss.
Derek stood there for a moment, eyes wide open and brain still processing what was happening, trying to think of what he should do next. Finally, he says 'screw it', and settles his hands on Stiles' waist, pulling him in closer to kiss him better.
When they finally pull away, lips swollen, red, and spit slick, they both smile gently at one another and Derek pulls Stiles to his chest for a long hug.
"I love you Stiles. So freaking much". He whispers in his ear and Stiles buries his face in Derek's neck, and Derek can feel the wet tears hitting his skin.
"I love you too Derek. So incredibly much." Stiles mumbles with a small chuckle and Derek chuckles too.
He pulls the shorter man from his neck and looks him in the eye, cupping his cheeks and wiping away his tears.
"I mean it. I love you." Derek says with a very serious but gentle tone.
Stiles nods and pulls the taller into another long kiss.
"I love you too. So, so much. This is too good to be true." Stiles whispers against his lips and Derek shakes his head slightly.
"Seems too good to be true, but it's what you deserve." Derek smiles and Stiles kisses him deeply once again.
Neither decide to reply, instead choosing to continue their kiss. It doesn't take much though before there are some lingering touches and hickies given, and before long they find themselves falling back on top on Stiles' bed, clothes being thrown across the room as soon as they come off.
"Do you want this?"Derek whispers as he eyes Stiles up and down.
"I've never done this before, but yes." Stiles gasps as Derek moves to suck on his neck, moving down his chest.
"Neither have I. We'll learn together, okay? And we'll stop if you want." Derek smiles gently at the smaller man, and Stiles smiles back with a nod.
"I love you."
"God, I love you too." Derek smiles back.
- - - - -
"Well, my work here is done." John smirked to himself when he got back from his shift and found the two boys snuggled together on the couch, both fast asleep with a marvel movie playing and a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.
John chuckles to himself, turning off the TV and throwing a blanket over the two. He smiles once more at his son and his hopefully (some day) son-in-law, and heads up the stairs to his room.
"I think I've earned myself a burger tomorrow." He states and he can hear Stiles' ranting already.

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