I Want A Baby

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Stiles sighs happily as he lays on the couch, his head in Derek's lap and his dearest husband running a hand through his hair.
He looks up at the beautiful man he married, and although he's incredibly happy with Derek, he can't help but feel like he's missing something, like they're missing something that would make their lives complete.
Derek looks down from where his nose is stuck in his book to catch Stiles staring up at him lovingly, and smiles down at him.
"What's rattling around in that big, beautiful brain of yours love?" He asks, setting his book down to give Stiles his full attention.
"Der, I've been thinking."
"That's dangerous."
"Shut up!" Stiles laughs and smacks Derek, who throws his hands up in surrender.
"Anyway, I was thinking that we've been married for almost 2 years now, and I love you dearly and forever, but I was kinda wanting something more?" Stiles explains more like a question than a statement.
"As in you want us to get...kinky? I don't know babe, the spanking and dominance thing is hot, and so are the dildos and vibrators, but anything else I've never considered." Derek begins to ponder and Stiles smacks his husband once again.
"No! But I guess I was thinking about something more along the lines of, barebacking? If you catch my drift."
"But Stiles, if we bareback you could get pregnant! Deaton explained this all after you took the mating bite." Derek asks confused and Stiles stares at him.
"Yes, I know Der." He blinks and Derek takes a moment to process things.
"So-wait, what?"
"I want a baby. I want us to take that step. I know you've been hesitant, but I think we're ready! We haven't had a threat in over a year, we're financially stable, we have a beautiful house that you've built us with so many rooms that aren't being used. I just feel like it's a part of us that's missing." Stiles explains and Derek takes a deep breathe before nodding slowly.
"I'm terrified. I'm going to screw something up and mess our kid up. But if you have faith in us, then I should too. Stiles, I want a baby with you. If you believe that I won't mess this kid up as bad I think I will, and you clearly thought this through or you wouldn't have married me, then let's try." Derek nods and Stiles springs up from his seat and hugs his husband.
"I love you so much Der!" He says kissing Derek with all his might.
"I love you too-oh! We're trying right now? Well, I guess if you say so."
Stiles sighs in disappointment a few days later when the stick refuses to show two lines. He's so frustrated that he climbs back into bed with Derek, and rides him twice before they get up to make breakfast.
After breakfast, they get in the shower and fuck once more there.
Over the course of the next week, they spend numerous times a day having sex, whether it be in the living room, bathroom, kitchen, or the bedroom. They do it in every position imaginable and Derek assured that nothing escapes Stiles unless it's 9 months from now in the form of a baby. But so far, there's been no luck. Now don't get him wrong, Derek is very appreciative of the efforts they're going through to get pregnant, and he enjoys the time spent thoroughly, he just wishes that Stiles wasn't climbing on him every waking second. His dick, despite possessing werewolf strength and stamina, was honestly beginning to hurt and he didn't know how much more of this he could take.
They've been trying for a month and a half now, and still no baby. Derek was trying to keep a positive attitude, while Stiles is becoming depressed and disappointed that they haven't managed to conceive yet.
Deaton has performed tests on both of them, and they're both fertile, but they just haven't had any luck yet. Deaton has told them to hold off on the sex for a few days and take it easy, to lessen the stress on the body.
Stiles spends most of those days sitting in front of the living room window, sadly imagining little pups running around the yard, and through the trees of the preserve.
"Stiles? Dinner's ready. I made your favourite, lasagna with cheesy garlic bread. I even used your mom's recipe." Derek calls from the kitchen but Stiles doesn't move.
"I'm not hungry Der. But thank you." He responds quietly and Derek sighs before walking over to his husband.
"Do you wanna go try again? We can do it all night and get some toys out. I know you love that little purple one that vibrates." Derek kissing his husbands neck and sighs when he gets no response.
"Stiles, it's ok that we haven't conceived yet. We have plenty of time, and we should have fun doing it, pun intended. I'll still love you the same way if we never conceive, or there's adoption? I know some different packs that run orphanages for little werewolf pups, or human if you want too. There's so many options babe, we shouldn't stress over this yet. We haven't been trying for that long, and it's been strenuous on us. I love you, and I always will, till death do us part. Ok?" Derek explains and Stiles slowly looks up at his husband.
He wraps his arms around him and kisses his lips gently.
"I love you too Der. Now, how about we go have some fun, and see if we can make a baby. And if it doesn't happen yet, there's always next time, or the time after that. As long as I have you, I'll be happy no matter what." Stiles smiles as his husband lifts him up by his thighs and walks him to the bedroom.
A few days later, Stiles and Derek are laying in bed on a Sunday morning enjoying each other's company, when Stiles blots up from the bed and to the bathroom. He throws up into the toilet and Derek rushes to be at his side.
"Honey, are you ok? Was it Scott's cooking last night? It tasted kinda funny so it wouldn't be surprising."
Stiles sighs as he stands up from the floor and moves to wash his face and brush his teeth.
"I don't know. We even used a condom at Scott's yesterday cause we didn't want to get cum on the comforter." Stiles shakes his head and Derek rubs his back.
"Do you think...?"
"Grab me a test from under the cupboard." He says and Derek reaches down to grab his husband one.
Stiles pees on the little stick and places the cap back on, washing it off and placing it back on the countertop.
"Now we wait 5 minutes." Stiles sighs excitedly.
"If it's not positive, then we'll keep trying ok?" Derek says and wraps his arms around Stiles' waist.
"I love you." Stiles kisses Derek, and Derek says it back.
After 5 minutes, they turn back to the test and their jaws drop at the results.
"PREGNANT!" Stiles yells and Derek cheers, picking up his husband and spinning him around.
"We did it! We're going to have a baby!" Derek begins to cry happily and so does a Stiles.
"We did it, Der. We're going to have a family of our own." He sobs too.
The two hug each other and share loving kisses for the rest of the day.
The next time they see the pack, they announce that they're expecting and the pack is absolutely thrilled about the news.
When they go to see Deaton at around the 4 month mark, their jaws drop even further when he tells them that they're having twins.
Derek actually nearly faints.

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