Ethan followed behind, but he let me have some space when I reached my parents' graves.

"Mom, Dad. I don't think I've ever needed you more than I need you right now. I don't know what to do. I can't seem to escape him. It's like I'm in prison, but I'm completely innocent. I want to be free. How do I become free? I need help. I can't do anything without worrying anymore. I can't do anything without thinking about how Luke would react. Please, just send me something so I can get out of this hole I dug myself into. I need you, mom and dad. Please." I whispered, crying as I sat there.

I pulled out my wallet, which had a folded up picture of my mom and dad, Joey and I.

My dad was a musician. He was in a local band, and he sang and played the electric guitar.

My mom, Joey and I went to one of his concerts, and we have a picture of Joey and I standing next to him and my mom.

We were the happiest family in the world. I miss it.

I put the photo away and stood up, and all of the sudden Ethan walked in front of me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry, Emma."


"Emma, please tell me if you're okay. I just need you to tell me the truth."

"I just needed away from Luke for right now."

"Come on. Let's go get a hotel." Ethan said, walking towards the parking lot.

I followed him, and we got into my car, and Ethan looked at me.

"What happened to your cheek?"

"I f-fell."


"I fell."

"Emma, you'd tell someone if things weren't safe right?"

I just nodded and started driving.

Once we got into our hotel room, I mentally facepalmed myself because I forgot to ask for a room with two beds.

"It's okay, Emma. I can sleep on the floor."

I dropped my bag near the desk before getting some clothes, and then I went into the bathroom.

I took a long, hot shower and changed into some leggings and a t-shirt before I dried my hair.

Once I was done I went into the room and flopped down on the bed.

Ethan was on his phone while sitting in the chair by the desk, but he put it away once I came back in.

As soon as I got comfortable, Luke called me. I denied the call, but he called me again. I thought I should answer it then rather than later. I don't know what Luke is capable of, and I don't want him even more angrier than he already is.


"Emma, where are you?"

"Luke, I had to go see my parents."

"Are you alone?"

"No, I'm with Joey."

"Yeah. Because that's why I just saw him in the hallway a few minutes ago."

Fuck, he knows I'm lying.

"Emma, I know you're with Ethan right now. You better have a good story about it when you get home." Luke said, hanging up.

I started crying again, and Ethan sat up in his chair.

"Emma, you'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"

"Luke hit me. He hit me and I don't know how I'm going to face him ever again. I've been trying to get myself to leave him for over a year now, and he somehow keeps controlling and manipulating me into staying with him. I don't know what to do, and now I'm not safe anymore. None of my friends or even my fucking brother like the fact that I'm dating him, and I'm not so sure that I like it either. I'm so sick of him, and I need to get out, but I'm scared that if I try to break up with him, he'll do something even worse."


"I need a way out, Ethan."

He came over to the bed and gave me another hug, letting me cry into his chest.

I didn't know how comforting a partial stranger could be in a time like this.

Without even saying anything, Ethan somehow let me know that he was going to help me out of this.

Don't tell Luke that I fell asleep leaning on Ethan's chest.

there's no way | ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now