Chapter 2

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Kyle ^^

Zion *

Next day I woke up to my alarm playing believer by imagine dragons I love imagine dragons they are my favourite band I woke up to texts from cherry saying good morning ❤️ what would I do without that girl she has been my best friend since 1st grade when people didn't want to be friends with me because I was the only black girl in the school but not cherry she has been with me threw everything since the first grade to the last grade.

There was a knock on the door I walked downstairs in my robe I opened the door to see cherry standing there in a short dress looking like a goddess she was holding up a yellow short dress I opened the door to let her in.

"So what are you doing here an hour before graduation," I said to her with a suspicious expression.

"Come on Zi can't I come here to give you the dress that I promised you any way I thought we could go together," she said to me with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay stop with that look we will go together and you are lucky that no one is home you can sit here and watch TV while I get ready," I said to her.

"No way I want to try that makeup kit your mother bought for you so let's go get you ready," she said with the biggest smile on her face we walked to my room I want to the bathroom and bathed then shaved put on some lotion and finally wore my dress it was short but not short enough to make me feel uncomfortable so I was okay with it.

I walked out and cherry started doing my make up we both told jokes and laughed the whole time I finished getting everything together and wow I looked so pretty.

We drove to the graduation in cherrys car it was amazing we listened to our favourite band imagine dragons and other bands (that was the best day of my life) we got there and we wear our graduation clothes.

After graduation...

We all went to wolf's hallow I was stuck at cherrys side most of the night until I saw Eric standing next to a tree looking all lost I went to go and get us drinks of whatever school they had and went to him.

"What are you looking at sport," I said to him and he just chuckled as I handed him the drink.

"I didn't take you for a party girl Moore," he said to me with his charming smile against his beautiful dark chocolate skin and pearly white teeth and gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yeah but it will be the last time I will ever get to see some people so I thought why not come to a serial killer kind of party in the woods," I said as we both laughed.

"True but I hope this is not the last time I get to see your beautiful face," he said to me in a low voice, what.

"Let me go and refill your cup," he said and I give it to him and he walked away to get more alcohol, Cherry came up to me "So what did he say," she said to me.

"He said he hopes to see my beautiful face again after this," I said to her with a smile on my face.

"Girl go for it." She said laughing and walking away.

He came back looking all worried and scared.

"What's going on," I said looking at him, that's when I heard a howl a very loud howl.

Large wolves begin to jump out of the tress they were all as big as a medium sized car they had big scary teeth and glowing red and some yellow eyes I almost pissed my pants at the sight of them.

Everyone around me immediately turned into Usain Bolt we all started running for our lives but none of us made it most of the people around me where getting killed and some where getting bitten on the side of the neck I looked around to see a lifeless Eric laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood with a large silver wolf standing over his body it locked eyes with me and started to walked towards me.

I was so distracted by this wolf that I didn't see the one that was creeping behind me it quickly sank it's teeth into the side of my neck and everything slowly started to become black.

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