"Fine then." I said and walked around the counter.

It was early so the diner was empty and we were the only three in here.

I walked over to a booth and sat down, looking at Micah expectantly. He sat down across from me and his eyes studied my face with intent.

"Stop looking at me like that." I said breathlessly, feeling a familliar knot forming in my belly.

"Like what, Little one?" he asked.

"Like you want to eat me or something." I said. My sentence was extremely innocent, but it made Micah's eyes turn obsidian black as a low growl escaped his chest.

"I would love to eat you." he said.

I gaped and my cheeks flushed at his sexual comment. I shrank back in my seat and pretended his words didn't send a pulse through my core.

"I arouse you." he stated. Making my cheeks burn even more. "W-what?" I asked shocked at his bluntness.

"I can smell it. It's rather intoxicating." he said in a voice of aproval.

"Stop it!" I said gulping nervously. If he talked like that again I swear I'm going to combust into a puddle of sweat.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"Yes!" I hissed, shocked at his behaviour.

He grunted. "You shouldn't be uncomfortable around me."

"And why not?" I asked.

He sighed and his eyes turned back to their normal brown colour.

"You're my mate." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked in shock. But a warm satisfied feeling crossed over my body.

"You were born for me. A soulmate if you will." he explained.

I laughed.

This it utterly insane and crazy. These people HAVE to be mentally instable. There is no way on earth that these things were true.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

I sighed and stared at him with a straight face.

"Look... if you think there's a chance that I'll become your... your whatever, then you're insane. No one tells me what to do. No one." I spat and went to stand up.

"I'm not finished speaking with you." he growled.

"Too bad. Because i'm finished speaking with you. You people are crazy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." I said and walked away from him.


I sat patiently in the booth the rest of the day, intently watching over her. I ignored the pang of jealousy I felt every time she woud smile at a customer.

And when the day ended, she greeted Molly curtly and walked out of the diner.

I stood up and followed her. She was shivering anf hugging herself tightly.

She's cold idiot. My wolf spat.

I shrugged off my jacket and jogged up to her. "You're cold." I said softly, holding out my jacket for her to take.

She stared at me in shock.

"Were you waiting for me to finish my shift so you could corner me?!" she asked. She was upset, I could tell.

"Yes." I answered without hesitation.

"There's something seriously wrong with you!" she said glaring at me.

"I wanted to walk you home. To make sure you get there safe." I said.

"No thanks." she said and started walking again.

I shrugged on my jacket again and glared up at the moon.

Moon godess... what did you do to me?

I fell into step next to her and shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket, trying to keep myself from carressing her soft porcelain skin.

Alaska groaned and shook her head. "You're not going to stop following me are you?" she asked.

"No." I said simply.

"You're impossible." She mumbled.

"And you're beautiful." I said. I smirked when I saw the familliar blush creep up her neck and cheecks.

"Look. I know this is a lot to handle. But whether you like it or not... You're my mate. And nothing and no one will make me stay away from you." I said, trying to make her understand.

She sighed and crossed her arms. "I figured that much." she mumbled.

"Why don't we do this your way?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You can give it a chance and get to know me before we... take things further." I explained, ignoring my wolf scolding me for sounding so weak.

"Really?" she asked. I nodded and watched her expression. She was thinking. Probably taking in the information.

"Fine." she said.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. My wolf howeld in victory. I was expecting more of a fight from her.

"Thwnk you." I said happy that my mate was warming up to me.

The rest of the walk was in silence. Just filled with me intently listening to the soft beating of her heart. It sounded like music.

When we reached her house, which was a small little cabin deep in the woods next to a lake, she unlocked her door and stepped inside.

She then turned to me and raised her eyebrows. "Are you comming in or what?" she asked.

I gaped at her in surprise.

She just kept on surprising me. This woman was something allright.

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