Miya Atsumu & Sakusa Kiyoomi

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Details: This one-shot takes place when Atsumu and Sakusa are older so there are spoilers (i.e. who wins the volleyball game between the MSBY Black Jackals and the Schweiden Adlers)

(Y/N) is 22 years-old and working for a sports news company located in Tokyo. She worked in the department dedicated to volleyball. When she was first hired, her boss almost placed in the basketball department. But luckily, she was able to persuade (and basically beg) them to place her in the volleyball department instead.

The reason why she wanted to be placed there was not only because she would excel in that department, but also because she would have an excuse to watch and write about her two partners, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Their relationship started when (Y/N) was halfway through college. She ended up going to one of their volleyball games and Atsumu started to flirt with her outside the arena. He then proceed to introduce her to his teammate, Sakusa. And now, the rest is history.

Today, she was currently on her way to Kamei Arena Sendai gymnasium from Tokyo to see the volleyball match between the MSBY Black Jackals and Schweiden Adlers. She told Atsumu and Sakusa beforehand that she would be watching their game and Atsumu was ecstatic and continuously claimed that their team was going to win. And although Sakusa was not as vocal, (Y/N) knew that he was just as excited as Atsumu to have her there.

When she made it there, she immediately signed in with the rest of her team and got her badge so she would be able to enter and exit various sections without worry.

She got there a little bit earlier than the volleyball teams so she decided to grab a bite to eat in the main area. And she knew exactly where to go, Onigiri Miya.

The line wasn't as long as she expected. But it would probably get more crowded in couple of minutes because more people were starting to make their way in. Once it was her turn to order, she was greeted with a warm smile from Osamu.

Osamu: Hey (Y/N), how have you been?

(Y/N): Good, how 'bout you? I heard business has been pretty good for you.

Osamu: I've been well, thanks. I'm actually looking into opening a branch in the Tokyo area.

(Y/N): Really? That's great!

Osamu: Thanks. Are you excited for the game today?

(Y/N): Yep! I hope Sakusa and Atsumu's team will win today.

Osamu: Same. So, what would you like to order.

(Y/N): Oh right, can I have some salmon onigiri?

Osamu: Sure, coming right up.

(Y/N): Thanks!

After (Y/N) got her food, she made her way to the rest of her team and waited for the volleyball teams to arrive.

When the volleyball teams finally started to make their way to the court, (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh as one of the kids from the Aoba Junior League team held Sakusa's hand. She could tell that Sakusa wanted to swat their hand away and then disinfect as soon as possible, but since it was kid, he was basically helpless.

(Y/N) ended up making eye contact with Sakusa and cheerfully waved at him and yelled good luck. Sakusa was still trying to process the fact that a kid was touching his hand, so the most he could muster was a flat smile and small nod towards (Y/N).

Atsumu quickly noticed you after your interaction with Sakusa and yelled out to you.

Atsumu: Hey (Y/N)! Make sure you cheer us on!

(Y/N): Of course! Good luck!

Atsumu gave (Y/N) a toothy smile and a thumbs up. He then proceed to walk with the rest of his team.

Throughout the whole game, (Y/N) could feel her heart beating out of her own chest. Every player on the court was amazing and always seemed to have a trick up their sleeve. Especially #21, Hinata Shoyo.

She was happy that in the end, the Black Jackals won and she would be able to interview Sakusa and Atsumu about their victory. She wouldn't have minded also interviewing #12, Bokuto Kotaro. But apparently he was getting interviewed by somebody else.

When they were finally able to get a room alone together for the interview, (Y/N) wasn't even able to start asking questions before Atsumu decided to tease Sakusa.

Atsumu: Did you Sakusa during the game? I thought he would be better at receiving.

Sakusa: And yet, I was the first one to get a service ace.

Sakusa smirked at Atsumu as the latter just glared back at him.

Atsumu: I scored more points with my serves than you.

Sakusa: Well I scored more points with my spikes.

Atsumu: You're a spiker, that's part of the job.

Before things could get any worse, (Y/N) interjected their conversation and was able to start asking them questions. It went sort of well, but both Sakusa and Atsumu were constantly making jabs at one another.

(Y/N): Well, that's all of the question I had for you guys.

Atsumu: Cool, do you want to grab dinner then?

(Y/N): I'm fine with that.

Sakusa: I'll pick the restaurant since Atsumu has terrible taste.

Atsumu: Excuse me?

(Y/N): Guys! Can you stop arguing?

Sakusa: I'm sorry (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Thank you.

Sakusa: That Atsumu is immature and can't have a civil conversation.

Atsumu: That's it.

(Y/N) just watched as the two of them bickered back and forth with one another. And although it could sometimes get annoying, she just found it hilarious and adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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