Miya Osamu Part 1

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Details: Demon Slayer AU

Ever since (Y/N) was 14-years-old, she has been apart of the Demon Slayer Corps. She was motivated to join the organization because when she was 10-years-old, a demon killed her entire family.

The demon would have killed her too. But fortunately for her, the love pillar, Kanroji Mitsuri, killed the demon and saved her life.

Before she passed the Final Selection and became an official member of the Demon Slayer Corps, she constantly trained and tried to be as skillful and strong as Kanroji because she looked up to her.

Because of this, her fighting style became very similar to Kanroji and she ended up getting a sword that was the same design as Kanroji's sword. Other Demon Slayer Corps members even commented that they think (Y/N) was almost as strong as Kanroji.

This resulted with Kanroji requesting (Y/N) to become her apprentice and successor 6 months after she joined the Demon Slayer Corps.

(Y/N) is how 17-years-old and still working alongside Kanroji. Everyday of (Y/N)'s life was about the same. (Y/N) would wake up, train and eat with Kanroji during the day, and then kill demons at night. (Y/N) was content with her life, even if it was repetitive because she was able to help people.

However, one day, her daily routine was broken. This was because she got attacked by an upper demon moon, specifically the upper demon moon five, one night while she was patrolling.

Luckily, she survived the attack. But, she failed to actually kill the demon and got severely injured to the point where she was required to stay inactive at the Butterfly Estate until her wounds fully healed. She was also criticized by the other pillars for not being able to kill the demon.

(Y/N)'s first day at the Butterfly Estate wasn't that bad, but she eventually got bored because she wasn't able to train or kill any demons. (Y/N) tried to train on her third day at the Butterfly Estate, but ended up getting scolded by Kocho Shinobu and Kanzaki Aoi. (Y/N) then tried to patrol for demons on her fourth night there and ended up getting tied down to her bed by Kocho.

Ever since those two incidents, (Y/N) was placed under constant surveillance by the residents of the Butterfly Estate. Every hour, someone would come into (Y/N)'s room and make sure she was still there.

At first, it deeply annoyed (Y/N). But then, she realized that if she pretended to stay in bed and wait for her wounds to heal, they would stop checking up on her. And eventually, they did. However, she waited two more days to make sure that they weren't going to check up on her before she decided to make her move.

When (Y/N) felt like she was finally in the clear, she put on her uniform, took her sword, and left the Butterfly Estate. It wasn't that difficult to escape because everyone was extremely busy that day.

(Y/N) walked all the way to the nearest town because she knew that if the residents of the Butterfly Estate realized that she was missing, they wouldn't expect her to be in a town swarming with people.

Once she made it there, she began to search for an area where she can train. Unfortunately, every area in the town was crowded.

Even though (Y/N) failed to find an area to train, she still didn't want to go back to the Butterfly Estate. So, she instead found a restaurant to have some food. This particular restaurant was called "Onigiri Miya". (A/N: SPOILER FOR HAIKYUU CHAPTER 378>>>This is name of the business that Osamu creates in the manga.)

When (Y/N) entered the restaurant she realized that it was actually pretty small. There was only a few tables, chairs, the front counter, and then a door behind the front counter that led to the kitchen. It was also pretty empty. This surprised (Y/N) because the town seemed to be pretty populated.

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