Kunimi Akira Part 1

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Details: Vampire Forbidden Love AU

Vampire Kunimi x Vampire Hunter Reader

It was nighttime in the Miyagi Prefecture. The street lamps dimly lit the ground and the sound of cicadas filled the air. Everyone was making their way home from either work, school, or shopping to relax and unwind from the day. They would eat dinner, watch television, chat with family members, or go straight to bed.

However, not everyone was able to live such a simple life.

(Y/N), for example, could not. The reason being that she was apart of a prestigious vampire hunting family that was in charge of protecting the Miyagi Prefecture. Her family consisted of her father, mother, and three older brothers.

Every night, she was required to hunt at least one vampire. And if she didn't, she would be severely punished by her family. In particular, her father. Punishments ranged from starvation to beatings to torture.

She didn't enjoy killing vampires like the rest of her family. Although she does believe that there are evil vampires in the world, she also believes that there are good ones who just want to live their life freely. But since she was extremely fearful of her father, she made sure to always follow this requirement.

Lucky for her, it was very easy for her to find vampires to kill. This is because she had a unique blood type that attracted vampires from miles away. All she had to do was pour a little bit of her blood on the ground and wait for a vampire to come. Her unique blood did have its drawbacks though. For instance, she would tend to get unwanted attention while she wasn't on duty because her blood type was rumored to improve a vampire's abilities.

After she was done meeting the requirement for the night, she headed back home. Although the rest of family usually killed ten vampires or more each night, (Y/N) always makes sure that she only kills one.

Once she made it back home, she was called into the living room for an emergency family meeting.

(Y/N): What's the emergency?

Father: Do you remember me talking to you about the Kunimi Clan?

(Y/N): Yeah. They're one of the most powerful vampire clans in Japan. Even though they only consist of a father, his son, and his two daughters.

Father: Well, your brothers spotted the family on tonight.

(Y/N): Seriously?!?

Father: Yes. That is why we are having this family meeting. I want you to be in charge of killing the son of the Kunimi Clan while your brothers deal with the two daughters.

(Y/N): You can't be serious. They're extremely powerful. I won't be able to defeat the son on my own.

Father: Yes, you will. You have that special blood of yours.

(Y/N): But, what about the nightly patrols?

Father: Your mother and I will take care of that.

(Y/N): Bu-

Father: No more objections. You will have until the end of the week to kill the son. Once you and your brothers have completed your tasks, we will kill the father.

(Y/N): I don't even know the son's name or how he looks like.

Father: His name is Kunimi Akira. And here is a drawing of him.

(Y/N)'s father handed her an a piece of paper that had to be at least twenty-years-old. (Y/N) looked down at the paper and saw a neat pencil drawing of very handsome and attractive young man.

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