Miya Atsumu

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Details: Fluff

It was the beginning of summer break and today, (Y/N) and her boyfriend, Miya Atsumu, decided to go to the beach together. They haven't been able to spend some quality time with one another since volleyball practice has been taking up most of Atsumu's free time. But they were finally given a chance when the coach unexpectedly cancelled practice for a family emergency.

(Y/N) was really excited because after the beach, Atsumu said that he had a big surprise for her. They decided to meet up with eachother in front of the train station between their houses and take the train to Takeno Coast.

(Y/N) packed everything she could think of that would be important to bring to the beach such as sunscreen, snacks, water, wallet, portable phone charger, and more. Once she thought she was ready she headed out the house and texted Atsumu that she was on her way to the train station.

Atsumu messaged her back and told her that he was already there. Turns out, he was really nervous and ended getting there thirty minutes before the original meet up time.

But when he saw (Y/N) approaching him, all his nervousness went away and he was really excited to spend the whole day with her.

Atsumu: Are you ready to go?

(Y/N): I think so. I packed everything I think would be important.

Atsumu: Really? Like what?

(Y/N): Just the necessary things. I would show you now, but it took me a while to shove everything in this bag so you'll just have to wait until we get there.

Atsumu smiled at (Y/N) and grabbed her hand.

Atsumu: I don't mind.

While on the train ride, (Y/N) and Atsumu talked about volleyball, of course, and other things going on in their life. Anybody watching them talk could tell that they were a couple and truly enjoyed the time they spent together.

When they finally got to their destination, they noticed that it wasn't as crowded as they thought it would be.

(Y/N): I wonder why there aren't that many people out today.

Atsumu: I don't mind.

(Y/N): Because it won't be noisy?

Atsumu: Nah.

Atsumu wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist and brought her closer to him from the back.

Atsumu: It's because now I feel like I have the whole beach and you to myself.

(Y/N) started to lightly blush at his comment.

(Y/N): You always say the cheesiest stuff, you know that?

Atsumu: You don't mind though, right?

(Y/N) looked up at him and smiled.

(Y/N): I don't.

Atsumu leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Atsumu: Good.

At the beach, Atsumu and (Y/N) swam in the water, ate lunch, and tossed a volleyball back and forth with eachother. They tried to see who can keep the ball in the air the longest and of course, Atsumu won every time. And although he knew that he would win each time, it never got boring for him because he liked how excited (Y/N) would get when she got the volleyball to go in the right direction or received it properly.

He also liked seeing (Y/N) in a swimsuit. He would continuously stare at her to a point that she had to tell him to stop or hit him on top of the head.

However, (Y/N) wasn't that innocent either. Whenever Atsumu wasn't looking or his attention was elsewhere, (Y/N) would glance over at him in his bathing suit. She would scold herself whenever she did, but she couldn't help it. He had an athlete's body.

After a couple hours at the beach, Atsumu and (Y/N) decided it was time to leave. But before they got to the train station, Atsumu wanted to show her his surprise. It was about two blocks away from the beach and turned out to be a small but cute ice cream shop.

When they walked in, they were instantly met with the scent of vanilla and a breeze of cool air. There were multiple machines where you could pour as much ice cream as you wanted and a huge station dedicated to various types of toppings.

(Y/N): It's so cute here.

Atsumu: I'm glad you like it. Look over there on the white board.

(Y/N): It says "$25.67"...why?

Atsumu: That's the most anyone has spent on ice cream here.

(Y/N): Wow...

Atsumu: I think we should set a new record. What do you think?

(Y/N) smile and nodded.

They ended up filling their cup way too much that one of the workers gave them a plate so that in case the ice cream toppled over, it wouldn't get on the floor. But they broke the record by $10.

Satisfied with their accomplishment, they ate the ice cream together and got a lot of brain freezes. Mainly Atsumu though.

When they were done, they went back to the train station. And on the train ride back home, (Y/N) rested her head on Atsumu's shoulder and took a nap while he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.

Atsumu walked (Y/N) back home and when they got to the front door she turned to him and hugged him. He was surprised at first but immediately hugged her back.

(Y/N): Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun.

Atsumu: Me too.

Atsumu then lifted up (Y/N)'s chin and brought her lips close to his.

Atsumu: We should definitely do this again.

(Y/N): Agreed.

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