15. Gun Barrel

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Okay, so y'know how everyone's going crazy in quarantine? Well my computer died while I was writing this chapter, so I didn't really have anything to do, so I decided to write Shawn and Juliet's vows to each other on my phone lol, and I'm very surprised with how they turned out! I was thinking of somehow incorporating them into another book, like The Vision, or I could put it in with my little short stories or something, or even put it in here! Let me know what you guys think, or even if you want a little hint of them! 

Also, we get to find out who the psycho killer is, and there is a big surprise right at the end of this chapter, tehehe!! 




(Maddie's POV)


Brandon had decided not to tell anyone who Maddie was and what she was doing, but she had to keep as his 'girlfriend,' Annabelle, for a little while longer until they found out who the shooter was and who they were targeting.

Brandon was in tons of trouble for lying about going to Azariah's house, and only him and his family knew about the case. Brandon and Maddie couldn't hang out alone anymore, for fear of the shooter attacking them again, and because he was grounded for lying.

They were still allowed to talk about almost being shot, though, because it was all over the news. Brandon's version was a little different though.

"So, when I heard the shatter, I immediately thought, 'well what the hell is going on?' So I grabbed Ma- I mean Belle, and pushed her to the ground and behind the bed and I had her hide underneath me, because, y'know, I didn't want her to take a bullet. She was screaming bloody murder, I mean, she was so scared and surprised, especially since she was half naked and we were just have se-" 

"Okay, I think that's enough for now. It was traumatic, scary, yeah, yeah." Maddie interrupted and Brandon smiled. Damion and Azariah whooped while Caleb listened intently. "Ooh, Branabelle is canon!" Damion cooed. 

Maddie made a face. "That sounds like a cereal name." She said and Brandon laughed, wrapping a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Apparently, he though 'dating' a cop was hot. Even though he technically wasn't dating Maddie, and she wasn't a cop, she was the daughter of a psychic detective. She had made that very clear, but apparently he didn't see the difference between those two things. 

"Let's brainstorm." Damion said and grabbed a piece of paper out of his backpack and a pen. Maddie laughed. "You guys are so weird." She said. "Got any ideas?" He asked. Caleb muttered something.

"Hmm?" Maddie asked. "Where'd you get that bruise?" He asked. Maddie laughed. "What bruise?" She asked. "That one." He said and kicked her leg under the table, right where the bullet had torn through her skin over half a year ago. 

She tensed up and held back a whimper. "Nowhere." She muttered. How'd he know about that? She took Brandon's hand off of her waist and stood up. "Could I talk to you for a moment, Caleb?" She asked. Caleb licked his lips and stood up. 

"Don't get too riled up, Mads." Shawn said through the earpiece. "He knows something." She hissed through her teeth as she walked out of the lunchroom, Caleb following not too far behind. 

"What the hell was that?" She yelled as she shut the large doors behind her. Caleb leaned against a locker, moving his hands around in his sweatshirt pocket.

"How do you know about that?" She asked and pointed to her leg. She looked down at it for a second, and when she looked back up, gasped. Caleb had a gun pointed right at her.

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