10. Flirting

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"What're we doing?" Maddie asked. Shawn came out of the Chief's office with Jules, Gus, and Lassie behind him. He led Maddie downstairs, to where the interrogation rooms were. 

"Ah, just working on a new case." Shawn said and opened a door, watching an interrogation from the other side with Officer McNab. 

"What kind of new case?" Maddie asked. "You know I can't tell you." Shawn said. "So you decided not to follow the rules until now?" Maddie asked. Shawn gave her a look. "Buzz, may I go in and talk to that young man?" Shawn asked. Buzz nodded. "Sure. He's kind of hard to crack, though." Buzz shrugged. 

"Thanks, man." Shawn said and patted Buzz on the back. He opened the door to the other side and slid into the seat across from the boy. He looked about a grade or two older than Maddie. He had light brown pointy hair that definitely had a lot of gel in it. He seemed sort of like a bad boy in Maddie's eyes. He had brown eyes and bushy eyebrows. He was pretty hot. 

"Hi. Brandon, is it?" Shawn asked. The boy leaned back on his chair and folded his arms. "Whose asking?" He asked coldly. "Shawn Spencer, psychic detective. Now, I sense that there was a murder. Someone you loved." Shawn said and put his finger to his head. Brandon ran his tongue over his teeth. There was a hint of hope in his eyes. "Yeah." He said. "I'm sensing you're not the victim." Shawn said. The hope died. "This isn't a joke, man. My girlfriend's dead and everyone thinks it's me." Brandon said painfully. There was hurt in his voice. 

Maddie banged on the glass and Shawn looked up. "One moment." He said to Brandon and opened the door, coming to Maddie. "What?" He asked. "Can I interrogate him?" Maddie asked and smirked. Shawn raised and eyebrow. "You better not have the crushies on him. He may have murdered his old girlfriend." He warned. "Is that a yes?" Maddie asked. "Buzz?" Shawn asked. "What? Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever." Buzz said distractedly. 

Maddie smiled and walked to the door. Shawn grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, I need you t-" He started, but she cut him off. "I won't flirt." She promised. "No, I need you to flirt. But not head-on. He probably isn't looking for a girlfriend, especially since his girlfriend was found shot last night." Shawn said and grinned. Maddie pulled out of his grip and opened the heavy door, seating herself in front of Brandon. "Hello." Maddie said plainly. 

Brandon licked his lips and stopped leaning on his chair. He put his elbows on the table and folded his hands. "Hey. You a cop?" He asked. "Nah. Can't tell you." Maddie said and shrugged. This Brandon was definitely attracted to Maddie, and Shawn really didn't like that. The two flirted for about 20 minutes while Maddie stealthy got information out of him.

Jules walked over to Shawn. "Shawn. What's Maddie doing in there?" Jules asked and watched the two teenagers innocently flirt through the glass. "Getting information out of him." Shawn said. "So? What has he said so far?" Juliet asked. "He's definitely not the killer. But someone at their school probably is." Shawn said. "Okay. You sure?" Jules asked. "200% sure." Shawn said. "Okay. Get Maddie out here. Chief needs to speak with both of you." Juliet said and walked away. 


"Great job, Tiger." Shawn said and gave Maddie a fist bump. "He seemed nice." Maddie said as they walked to Chief Vick's office. Shawn gave her a look, and she grinned as they walked into the office. Shawn pointed to Maddie. "It was her fault!" He yelled. "None of you are in trouble... at least from what I know." Chief sighed. 

"What'cha want, Chief?" Shawn asked. "I would like to ask you permission for Maddie to go undercover for a case. If she would like to." Chief Vick said. "You kidding? I would love to!" Maddie squealed. Shawn held up a finger. "What case, and what would she be doing undercover?" Shawn asked. 

"O'Hara tells me you were just interrogating the victims old boyfriend. She would be undercover at their school, trying to find out if the victim... Macey Lambert... had any enemies or close friends that could have possibly wanted to get rid of her." Chief said. "Say what now? That case?" Shawn asked. "Yes." Chief Vick said. Maddie grabbed Shawn's arm. "Yes. Yes. I am doing it. Yes." She said quickly. Shawn scoffed. "You only want to do it so you can get near that Brandon guy." He said. "No, I want to be undercover. It sounds fun." Maddie said firmly. Shawn sighed. "I... I guess. But I want someone else there with her. Like Gus, or even me." He compromised.

 Maddie gave him a look. "I don't need a babysitter. Besides, I'd probably have an earpiece or something." She said. Chief nodded. "Yes, she's correct. She would have an earpiece and we would have access to the school security cameras. But you also do need someone there to look after you." She said. Maddie huffed. "Maddie, don't be an overly burnt marshmallow that just tastes like smoke and has no flavor." Shawn said. Maddie gave him a weird look. "God, you're so weird." She sighed. 

"I believe we would have either Mr. Guster or you, Mr. Spencer, with her there." Chief said. "No, Brandon would recognize Shawn." Maddie said. Shawn huffed. "But he would recognize you too!" He whined. "Yes, but as far as he knows, I'm not a cop's daughter. Or a cop." Maddie said. "I'm not a cop anyway. I'm a psychic detective." Shawn pointed out. Maddie rolled her eyes. "Hey, eyes where I can see them." Shawn said. Chief Vick sighed exhaustedly. 

"Your name would be Annabelle Bernard. Used to be homeschooled. You would be in 10th grade." Chief Vick said and handed Maddie a slip of paper describing what her undercover character would be. "But I'm only in 9th." Maddie pointed out. "Yes, you are, but Annabelle isn't." Chief Vick said. Maddie smirked and held up her fist. Shawn gave her a fist bump. "You got this, Tiger." He said. 

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