13. Meeting

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A/N: So someone requested for me to do a chapter on how Maddie and Shawn met, so I decided to do that! I've wanted to do it for a while but didn't really have any good ideas, but then last night it was clear lol! So here's a chapter on how Shawn and Maddie met :) hope you enjoy!


(Shawn's POV)



I squatted on the wet grass, flinching when I heard the painful, ear piecing scream of the kidnapped girl. 

Madison Birk. 11 years old. Nicknamed Maddie. Breech baby, mother didn't make it. Diabetic. Only child. Introverted tomboy. Kidnapped.

Nathan Birk. Billionare. Widowed. Probably in some stupid gambling debt. Killed two days prior by four mysterious men. 

Now, if I could manage to get Madison to safety before she was killed, she would go into the foster system. I don't even think the poor kid knew her father was dead. She was brought to the cabin her father used in the summer. Probably had been in there since the day her dad died. 

I was surprised she hadn't fainted or anything because of her diabetes, unless the four mysterious men fed her healthy foods. Probably not. She was probably sitting in there, shaking from her blood sugars going up and down and from the anxiety of the situation. 

She screamed again and I bit my lip, thinking hard. I had to come up with a plan, and fast. I couldn't even imagine what they were doing to the poor preteen. 

There was arguing and yelling inside and the faint shouts of the girl yelling, "I don't know! I don't know!" 

"Shawn! Shawn, get over here! I have an idea!" Gus whisper-yelled to me from behind the cabin. I slowly crawled to him, keeping my head down. Gus pointed above his head. A small hole in the wall, big enough for a finger to poke through or an eye to see through. 

Above that was a window. A very small window. "We can throw rocks and sticks at it to get their attention until Juliet and Lassie arrive." Gus explained. I shook my head. "No. We need a bigger distraction, they'll probably think it's just a bird or a deer. Let me just get a quick look at the kid, make sure she's alright and alive." I promised. 

Gus huffed. "I don't think she's alright, Shawn. Now help me find some more rocks." He whispered and dug his hand through a small puddle of mud, pulling out twigs and pebbles. There was another blood curdling scream and we both shivered. 

I peeked my eye through the hole. Gus stopped and sighed. "What do you see?" He asked. "Nothing much. I don't have a very good angle here." I whispered. I could only see her back, her brown hair stained with blood. Her hands were tied behind her back and she was tied against a chair, her skin raw from all her struggling. And sure enough, she was shaking uncontrollably, her pump hanging out of her jeans. There was a large hole in the back of one of her calfs but her red stained jeans and the shadows of her body covered up anything that I could see. They probably shot her in the leg or something.

I pulled away from the hole and pulled my phone out of my pocket, flipping it open. "Now is not the time to answer texts, Shawn." Gus said impatiently. "No, I'm calling you." I said. "Me?" Gus asked and pulled out his phone. Luckily it was on silent. He pressed 'answer' and looked at me quizzically. 

"We have to go in there. She looks like crap, and she might have been shot. Plus, I'm pretty sure the dudes are in there fighting over who gets to kill her." I said. "You must be out of your damn mind, Shawn! I am not going in there." Gus said. "You're not. But I am. Go down to the trail, meet Jules and Lassie there and bring them back here. Keep me on the phone so you can hear everything, okay?" I said and shoved my phone in my back pocket. 

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