3. Yang Again

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Ok, let's pretend that all this Yin/Yang crap and Shawn becoming a psychic happened before 2006, because this book is set in 2009 and the timeline is off lol



Maddie looked up from her phone. She was at the SBPD, two days after Shawn had illegally trespassed and gotten both him and Maddie in trouble. They had just finished discussing a new case and she stood up.

Shawn's face was white and he looked like he was going to throw up. Gus, Jules, Lassiter, McNab, and Chief Vick all stood next to him, concerned but determined looks on their faces. Well, except for Gus. He was shaking and whimpering. 

"What is it? What's the matter?" Maddie asked. Lassie sighed. "A... serial killer. She somehow broke out of an asylum that she was being held in a few nights ago. This killer likes to play mind games. Their name is Yang. She's been obsessed with Shawn since he was a kid. 4 years ago, when Shawn caught her father, Yin, she was placed back in the asylum, but she got out, and we believe she's starting up her old ways again soon." Lassie explained. 

Maddie folded her arms. "I know. One of Dad's biggest cases. How many times have you told me the story?" 

"28 times." Shawn said blankly. 

Gus butted in. "The first time Yang struck, she wanted Shawn to play her mind games. She took a waitress that Shawn had talked to before, and his mother, too."

"And she was just insane enough to give Dad the power to put her in jail and save Grandma." Maddie said matter-of-factly. 

"But now she got out..." Jules said. 

"And wants to play games with him again." Chief Vick said. Maddie bit her lip. "You could be her next kill, Maddie." Shawn whispered. "So... then... what do I do? Get bodyguards?" She asked. 

Chief Vick looked at Shawn, then at Maddie. "The police want to use you, Madison, to catch Yang for us again. We'll have undercover bodyguards and police watching you at all times. Even when you're at home, at school, out with your friends, anywhere." Chief explained. 

"It's too risky." Shawn protested. "If she does get to you, she'll give me hard riddles. Unsolvable ones. And then we'll run out of time..." He couldn't bear to think what could happen. 

Maddie ran her tongue over her teeth. "Well, when she kidnapped Grandma, didn't she say she wasn't going to... kill her, because you were her friend and didn't want to hurt you? Because... hurting you would make you not like her, and she wanted you to like her?" She asked Shawn. 

"As crazy as that sounds, it's actually correct." Jules pointed out. 

"But that was, what, 6 or 7 years ago? What if... she's angry at me for putting her in the looney bin?" Shawn asked. "From the security cameras and things she told her nurses there, the only thing that she talked about was seeing Shawn again." Jules said. "We can review her room security cameras from the night before she got away." Lassie said and everyone followed him.


"'I can't wait to see you again, Shawn. My old, wise, smart friend. We can play more games! Yes, yes, I have so many ideas. And I get to meet Madison. Madison can be my friend, too. Oh, I just cannot wait!'" Then the tape stopped. 

Maddie raised an eyebrow. "How the hell does she know I have Maddie?" Shawn asked. Everyone shrugged. 

"On an earlier tape, from about 2 weeks ago, she talked about how she wouldn't hurt her friends. That includes you, Shawn." Jules said. "So you're absolutely positive that if Maddie entices her, she won't get hurt?" Shawn asked slowly. 

Chief Vick nodded. "I'll have my best policemen watch her. We'll give her an earpeice that we'll attach on her ear." She promised. Maddie bit her lip, nervous but excited.

 Shawn bit his lip. "Okay... I'll allow it. But if she gets hurt, I'm killing all of you."

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