The Celestial Dragon

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Suddenly he heard someone calling him, he turned around and found a dark figure smiling at him.

"You shouldn't worry about that boy, the dragonheart crystal cannot be removed from his body, don't be reckless."

Gilgamesh did not know who that black figure was, but he seems to be worried about the decision he might make regarding Xaiver. No one can tell him what to do, he will make his own decisions as always.

"Don't give me orders, I'll make my own decisions." Gilgamesh scowled.

"Stubborn as always, I see." When the black figure said those words, his features became clearer to Gilgamesh's eyes.

"It cannot be, Ozymandias?" The dragon king couldn't believe that he would end up seeing the previous ruler once again.

"You don't seem happy to see me, even after all the years we spent together." Ozymandias always knew that he was never a special existence within Gilgamesh's heart, so he did not expect a heartwarming encounter.

"Why did you decide to appear in my dream, when you know I wouldn't listen to you?"

"Even if you harbor deep affection towards the current ruler, you cannot remove the crystal from his body. The celestial dragon will certainly pass its judgment upon you." Ozymandias warned.

Gilgamesh snorted. "Since when do I care what that damn dragon thinks?"

"If you remove the crystal from Xaiver's body, your path to redemption will be closed forever."

Gilgamesh clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't help but think of the worst-case scenario. What if Xaiver dies because of the dragonheart crystal? He would have failed him, causing all hope to disappear forever.

Ozymandias understood the conflict in Gilgamesh's mind, so he placed his hand on the dragon king's shoulder and told him firmly. "Believe in him, Gilgamesh. If anyone can free dragons from their suffering, that person is him."


The former ruler smiled reassuringly. "Xaiver has awakened the dragonheart crystal, and you must guide him to fulfill his destiny."

Gilgamesh took a deep breath. "I understand... but what about you? I thought you died back then."

Ozymandias said bitterly. "My body is currently in a deep slumber, I don't know if I will be able to wake up."

Gilgamesh chuckled humorlessly. "Always dramatic, aren't you?"

The previous ruler laughed softly. "Of course, I'm the great Pharaoh Ozymandias, it is obvious that I will return to the land of the living someday."

Gilgamesh rolled his eyes. "Sure..."

Ozymandias smiled warmly. "I hope we meet again one day, farewell, old friend."

Gilgamesh watched as the previous ruler disappeared from his sight.

"Farewell, Ozymandias." The king murmured.

Gilgamesh slowly opened his eyes, Xaiver still sleeping next to him. The dragon king checked the ruler's mana flow and it seemed to be stable. It looks like he doesn't need to remove the crystal after all.

The dragon king sighed as he thought about what Ozymandias said. If Xaiver manages to end the war against the gods, Gilgamesh's path to redemption will open once again. Although he was not sure that the celestial dragon would grant him his wish, he is willing to take any risk to restore the glory of the dragons.

Gilgamesh looked at Xaiver, relieved that he had avoided making a terrible mistake. The dragon king gently caressed the ruler's cheek, wondering what kind of dream he was having.

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