"Fine, but if anything funny happens I swear I will get revenge in the worst way possible." Narrowing your eyes looking straight into his.

This wasn't a threat but a promise. He matched you, he maintained direct eye contact while injecting you with the so called pain killer.

His eyes darted around the room in search for something. He seemed to have found it, it was a clip board.

After retrieving his clipboard he started writing something down. 'I wonder what hes writing down' your thoughts got pushed out of your head as he started to talk.

"Now you need to answer some of my questions." You sighed in compliance. But anything to out of your comfort zone was going to be shut down.


"Real name or nickname"



"Second name"

"Don't remember, next" of course you remember the pitiful second name. It was given to you by your god forsaking parents.

"Age and birthday"

"18 and 6th of June" you never really wanted to remember that day, it was the day your parents had left you over 13 years ago.

"Now, how did you get all those injuries"

"I was chased" not wanting to get into any details you wanted to get this over and done with already.

"Chased by who"

He just had to ask. "Before I answer I want your word that you'll answer my questions after" sitting up and crossing your hands.

"You have my word I'll answer, questions I deem worth answering" he was good, he wasn't just going to give me the information you needed. Hes quite smart huh.

"By bounty hunters, they wanted to kill me and before you ask your going to have to figure out about the bounty yourself" you didn't want to make yourself a target by giving him the information on your bounty, it was definitely a large sum and you could easily be taken to marines if he wanted to.

"Now my questions, where am I" you needed as much information on your surrounding if you wanted to even make it out alive. You still didn't know his intentions so you couldn't drop your guard not for a second.

"You're on my ship. The ship I had to carry you too" he wasn't going to spare one moment without making you feel like you owe him. 'Bastard'

"Next, who are you"

"I'm trafalgar law, the captain of the heart pirates." Hes a fucking pirate, let alone the fucking captain. Escaping wasn't going to be so easy "fuck"

"Something wrong Luna-ya" did I speak out loud. I guess being without human contact can make you forget how to talk in your head.

"Next, why did you save me" you completely disregarded his smart comment.

"I thought it would be fun, and it seems like I was right." He had a smirk plastered on his face. That fucking bastard.

He did this all for fun, FUN. How is any of this fun. Getting annoyed you clenched your fist so hard that your knuckles started to go white.

"No need to get so worked up Luna-ya, I saved you so it can't be all that bad" his smirk hasn't left his face. He really is an annoying person.

"Doesn't mean I owe you anything" you shot back, catching the man by surprise. His smirk started to falter but it came back within mere seconds.

"I wouldn't dream of it" he really likes to push buttons doesn't he.

Trafalgar law x OCWhere stories live. Discover now