Chapter 18: Mama Mills House Part 3

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          "Lindsey's P.O.V"
Lindsey: Mama Mills do i really have to go?
Mama Mills: Baby now tell me this. If your boyfriend had to go what make you think you don't have to go. (Clears throat) Start telling your story when your ready.
Lindsey: Okay.


   It was a cold winter down in New Orleans. I was with my boyfriend Lucky. So umm we were at our place chillin cause my mom moved here to New York. We ended up doing grown up things. Yeah i knew he was messing around with sone chick that go around as Queen B cause ha daddy rich or whatever. I ummm ended up getting prego by him but when i found out i ran back to New York. I then moved in with Ashley for a year or two. Then moved in with my mom but when i was living with Ashley that's when i somewhat became friends with Justin. Yeah i had a crush or whatever on him but i ain't let him know till we were at the club. And every since he been my baby and i been his. And i take care his daughter like she's my own while he takes care of my son like he's his own.


Mama Mills: Oh i like your story.
Lindsey: Thank you but why do you wanna know our stories?
Mama Mills: Okay so it's pretty much a family tradition. On rainy days when your with your family, your suppose to talk about how you met you lover.
Lindsey: Ohhhh. Well umm who was next again?
Mama Mills: My daughter-in-law Ashley.
Ashley: Noooo. Mama Mills i don't think you want to know me and Jay's story. Uhm-m-m our story is kinda funny.
Mama Mills: Ohhhh baby we got time. Go ahead and start telling your story.

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