Chapter 8: Location and Information

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"Dominique's P.O.V"

Holy fuck. What the hell done got into my god-brother. I love him like a brother and everything but this nigga is hella crazy if he kidnapped Ashley out of all people as were all in the room still i look at Ashley and said.....

Dominique: Come on Ashley i'm taking you back home or to Jay.

Lucky: Dominique Lorenzo Cortez no the fuck your not.

Dominique: You ain't have to say my whole government name in front of lil mama. Just let her go Luck. What the fuck you kidnapped her for anyway?

Lucky: I kidnapped her because of Lindsey.

Dominique: Wait Lindsey. Lindsey Montgomery?

Lucky: Yeah. Do you know her?

Dominique: Nahh. Wish i did though she fine ass hell.

Lucky swung at me and all i did was duck. As soon as i ducked i took that as a chance to hit Luck in his weak spot which is his ribs. I kept hiting him until he was struggling for air. I unlocked the chains from around Ashley's wrist and ankles. She tried to get up put she did nothing but fall into my arms. I picked her up and began taking her to my car. When i sat her in the car one of Lucky goons came charging right at me and i pulled my gun from my waist band and pulled the trigger. I then ran to my side of the car and drove off. As i'm looking at Ashley i called Chris but there was no answer, i called Lindsey there was no answer, i called Justin there was no answer, i then decided to call Jay.

*Phone convo*

Jay: What the fuck do you want Domo?

Dominique: Bruhh i got Ashley away from her kidnapper i'll explain later when we're at the hospital because her breathing is very very slow and low.

Jay: Take care of her she's pregnant Domo. Any nigga cross her the wrong way you know what to do but on the other hand i'll meet yah'll there and Justin's at the hospital already.

Dominique: Okay and Why?

Jay: Lindsey. That's his girl right there.

*End of phone convo*

I can't believe i just heard what the fuck Jay just said. Why she picked Justin out of all people. She don't understand the hell that she fent to get ready to be put through. All i can say is if she wants to be with him he better protect her.

"Lindsey's P.O.V''

I'm laying down in this damn hospital bed and i'm trying really hard to wake up and open my eyes. I can hear Iyonna and Julio crying. I can hear Justin talking to me while he tries to hide the hurt but it does nothing but show up when he speak to me. I can't open my eyes but i can move my hand.

Justin: Lindsey i love you. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. I wanna be able to tell people that your mine. If you can hear me move your fingers or something please Lindsey i need you. I can't raise these kids by myself. You made me want to be a better father.

I kept trying to move my hand close to his but it wasn't working. After he finished talking he dosed off and i can tell cause the room now had light snores. Five minutes later i finally moved my hand. I ended up putting it on top of his hand. I can some what tell that he was waking up and trying to comprehend "why my hand was on top of his".

Justin: Lindsey tap one of your fingers if you can hear me.

I tapped one of my fingers and i can tell that the kids almost fell out his arms. It sounded like Julio was siting on the bed while little Iyonna was still sleep on her daddy chest.

Julio: Mommy are you up? Mommy dwddy was crying. Why you sleep so ealry?

"Justin's P.O.V"

i'm so happy that Lindsey is somewhat responding. i pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that i had a missed call from Dominique(Aka Domo or Nique). I called him back ASAP.

*Phone convo*

Justin: Yeah.

Domo: Aye yo Jay told me you at the hospital.

Justin: Yeah i am. Why?

Domo: Cause i'm headin that way with Ashley.

Justin: Why you got Ashley fo? Wait did you kidnap her?

Domo: She losin breath and shit and no my god-brother Lucky did and he was hiding her in my house. Me and him got into it and i grabbed Ashley and took her to my car then i called Jay and letted him know.

Justin: Well yeah. Let me know when yah'll get here.

Domo: Okay.

*End of phone convo*

"Jay's P.O.V"

After Domo called and told me that he found Ashley i was hella happy. Now that i know that she on her way to the hospital that get me scared for the baby. But i promise that i will kill this nigga that they call Lucky.

"Lucky's P.O.V"

My own motherfuckin family turnin' on me. is you really not suppose to fuck with Ashley or they just saying that just to say it? All i know is if that nigga Jay or whatever the fuck his name is cross me, there's going to be a bloody ass war and at the end of the day i'ma take Lindsey. I love ma till death do us apart and if i can't have her nobody can.

Lucky: Yo. Jeremiah.

Jeremiah: What?

Lucky: What me agian n i'ma kill you.

Jeremiah: Luck wassup.

Lucky: I need for you to find out where my son Julio is.

Jeremiah: You ain't got no son named Julio.

Lucky: Remember Lindsey?

Jeremiah: Yeah. Wait oh shit she had a baby named Julio and you was fuckin around with her befo you were with queen bee oh shit i fogot that shit. Hold old is Julio?

Lucky: Three i think.

Jeremiah: I got you. Wait i getting a phone call from Charmaine ghetto ass.

"Jeremiah P.O.V"

If your wondering who the fuck Charmaine is that's my ghetto queen a.k.a baby mama that work at the hospital.

*Phone convo*

Jeremiah: Charmaine the fuck you want?!?

Charmaine: Attitude or nahhh? LOL. Uhmmm what's that girl name that Lucky keep saying.

Jeremiah: Lindsey Montgomery.

Charmaine: Oh yeah uhmm she at the hospital as a patient.

Jeremiah: She there. Is their a little boy there?

Charmaine: There's a little boy that look three and a little girl that looks like she's one or two then there's the dad to kids i guess.

Jeremiah: Charmaine me and Luck gonna be there in a little. Aight.

Charmaine: Aight. I love you.

Jeremiah: Yeah yeah. You better not be fucking yo patients Charmaine like for real. If i find out your back to that shit i'm taking my kids and leaving yo ass.

Charmaine: Chill bae i ain't sleeping with my patients i'll see you when you get here asshole.

*End of phone convo*

I gave Lucky that look that meant i know where she at and he nodded hos head and we ran outside to my car.

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