Chapter 12: She wants 2 meet the rest of the family n we can't handle each other

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            "Chris P.O.V"

  I grabbed my phone and called my sister.

*phone convo*

Chris: Lindsey.

Lindsey: Yeah.

Chris: Uhm Jennifer wants to meet the rest of the family.

Lindsey: Sorry. No that can't happen. She won't be able to handle everybody.

Chris: I know i tried to tell her that their not all like you and she was like she don't care.

Lindsey: Aight. Umm just swing by the hotel right quick.

Chris: What hotel yah'll at?

Lindsey: Night And Day.

Chris: Aight. What room number?

Lindsey: Nigga just tell me when you get here and i'll come down to the lobby.

Chris: Aight.

*End of phone convo*

  I looked at Jennifer and said.....

Chris: Go pack a weekend worth of clothes bae. Were about to go meet the rest of the family and we'll go out to dinner or something.

Jennifer: How about we go meet them tonight and tomorrow we have a family dinner here at my house.

Chris: Aight and don't you mean our house.

Jennifer: O my fuckin' gosh Chris. Are you moving in permantely?

Chris: Yeah. There's no need to keep us separated now.

Jennifer: Chris are you seriously moving in?

Chris: Yeah.

Jennifer: What's going to happen to the house that you have now?

Chris: I'ma sell it.

Jennifer: Okay.

Chris: Jennifer go get dressed while i go tell the kids to get dressed.

Jennifer: Okay.

   I walked up-stairs to Shayla's room and saw Shayla jumping on her bed while Cole is turning in her chair that spins.

Chris: Shay and Cole stop.

Shayla: O OHHH.

Cole: Shay stop.

Shayla: Daddy am i in trouble?

Chris: No. But your going to be if you don't go get dressed.

Cole: I'm going now.

Shayla: Yep. Get out daddy so i can change.

   I walked Cole to his bedroom and he began getting ready. I then closed his room door and went to Jennifer's room. She spotted me and threw her shoe at me.

Chris: Really? I know you saw me.

Jennifer: I saw you but i only threw it to see what you say.

   i walked up to her and kissed her neck and said.....

Chris: Babe put on something you'll be able to breath in cause i don't want you to hurt the baby.

Jennifer: I am. But your the reason why i keep getting pregnant.

Chris: How?

Jennifer: Cause you always pinning me down.

Chris: Well you don't try to force me off, so pretty much your enjoying every second of it. And the only reason why we got two kids about to be three is because ion like to pull out of you.

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