Recovery of Hazine

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Whole night was not more than a rollercoaster of terror and confusion. I could see Rakan's house from my bed room's window. Weird vibes were causing tingling into my legs.

"You weren't aware the man is not your father nor you were going to admit. That's why we left you to find out on your own".

Things he said were still echoing in my brain. But what now? Is he well prepared?
My eyes were roaming on the main road as if waiting for something tragic, and here we go. Blue and red lights started appearing and sending shrillnes of loud siren to my ear drum. Yes police has arrived and I could see people coming out.

They talk through telecom and after a minute guard appeared to ask and right after that Aahil would come into the scene. With little bit of argument the sherriff showed him a paper, most probably a research warrant. He went inside with some of other members.

What now shall I text him? No no no idiot the police must check into his phone as well. After 10 minutes the sherriff comes out with Rakan. Where are they taking him?

My eyes moved with every single step he was taking towards the police van. But instead of sitting inside he marched towards his car along with the officer. Before sitting inside he placed one of his hands over the car and looked up towards me. I abruptly moved in. Did he see me? Even he was wearing shades.

After they were gone I got a call from an unknown number. It was the cellphone Rakan gave me in case of emergency, because there was a chance of getting traced if I had my own cellphone.

I picked up after 3 rings.

"Dummy! Why did you wrote suspicious things in your diary?" It was Aahil's voice.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You just wrote in your diary that you're afraid of Rakan, and he says weird stuff which makes me feel that he is taking out his grudge over me".

On hearing his words I desperately erged to hit my head into any near wall. So he is a prime suspect now?

"But that was very old note, I wasn't even aware of you guys. Now what? What they'll do to Rakan?

"Nothing! They didn't find anything at our place. Also Rakan has clarified much. Because this evidence is not enough to accuse somebody".

"But Aahil there are other things too in my room. Our picture album, my investigation note and also the medicines Momo had been giving me".

He sighed in response and started speaking again,"Don't worry Jaan had already cleared out your room but somehow left that stupid diary".

Breathe of relief just left my mouth and I looked up towards the ceiling.

"Uncle Burhan is going to file the case as soon as we'll get your father's fingerprint data and its not that easy because we have to tell them why we need that. The moment we'll expose, the news will reach Altamash as fire in the jungle".

"Hmmmm! You're right. But listen Aahil. I was just thinking about the silver casket. What must be inside it has probably something to do with this whole story".

"Yes Rakan told me about that. Well honestly speaking I also don't know what is going on in my brother's brain. He just came back moment ago and he is so angry. I'm afraid something is going to happen".

After few minutes we hung up and I started staring at the ceiling fan. How we are suppose to initiate everything? It's all so jumbled nor we have enough evidence.

It was around 5 o clock when Rakan showed up. He was sweating crazily as if he returned from a workout or boxing stuff. He briskly moved towards the porch as I was standing in the balcony.

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