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Silence had spread around the corners of the room. It was large crowded with lavish furniture, wall paintings, antique decorations and beautiful wall clock. My appetite was lost somewhere since from the evening.

My father's old friend uncle Burak was sitting adjacent to him. He broke the silence by asking my dad about the new perfume he just launched

Moving spoon in my soup bowl I was wandering in the pool of massive thoughts. For a moment I want to run away, another moment I want to ask my father, what are these feelings? 

Whom should I trust? A woman living with me from since I opened my eyes, those hands which had fed me 3 meals a day. Should I accuse them of doing such terrible mistake?
Mistake! No it's a sin.
Shaking my head I brought the bowl near my mouth and started swallowing rapidly. Every drop was piercing holes in my throat. My father's hands grabbed the bowl and pulled it away. 

"Amal! What are you doing, bring the water?"his shocked expression made me laugh. 
Next I started coughing.

Momo took glass of water and brought it near my mouth. Drinking water spread tranquility in my throat as if the fire had extinguished. After inhaling a large amount of air in my lungs I sat straight in the chair. 

"Nothing I was...."Pain in my throat didn't allow me to speak.
"Wait let me bring something for her" said uncle Burak. I briskly stopped him.

"No I am fine my voice is better now, actually my hunger forced me, so I slurped it out at once," saying so I looked above to the ceiling.
All of them now took back their positions but still having me in sight.

"Dad! Do people kill because of jealousy?" I asked him while moving my neck too and fro.
No answer came for a moment.

"Is there any girl jealous of you at school? If you are facing any problem don't keep it to yourself. Tell your dad", it was momo answering on his behalf.

"No I am not talking about young people in jealousy. It's jealousy of wealth, success, love between older ones," my brain was telling me not to disturb my father but due to pounding questions my mouth burst it out. 

Hahaha Amal! I feel like you are growing up so quickly. Look she talks like a mature girl, uncle said to my father laughing

He turned to me giggling and started explaining.
"Listen dear we all are aware of cruel realities of life but still mimicking a blind person," he held on the cup of tea.

"Let's make it easy for you. You are just a little kid who has spent 17 cheerful years of life. People of your age become covetous of several things in a blink of an eye.
A girl wearing beautiful clothes, shoes and carrying hand bag, catches their eye and they started thinking, wish I have same things like those. Her hair, her face how pretty she is, and me?"

"We are not grateful of what we have, may be there are individuals who are starving to death and can not buy even a single meal of a day". He said while placing his arms over table

"Problems starts from here, people don't realize the comforts they have instead they become greedy. Once start growing older, stepping into practical life. Situation transfers it's litralness from bags, Jewell's and clothes to money, success, property and other things". 

Now they are jealous of other people's accomplishments, riches and belongings. Once this feeling overcomes their mind, they become inhumane and deleterious to others. Do you understand now? You are young you can control it now. Be grateful for what you have and gain success with your struggle not with someone else's efforts," his words were transfering fresh and good vibes into my brain. 

Living With Lethality- (Completed) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora