Denim brothers

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"Ohk at least come in", Momo replied with an exasperated tone. She was with me since my childhood. A very nice and polite lady who was serving my family from a very long time, when Momo came in first she was only 17 years old. She was like a family member to all of us and still like that.

One thing that little bit altered her bright reputation was her good bonding with that monster, killer. 

Grandma told me he was so attached to her, he cared for her like an elder brother. But when ever I tried to ask momo about him she always shushed me by saying that she was and not even other maids were allowed to talk about him.

She didn't get married nor she had any kids. Sometimes I feel so depressed when I look at her smiling face. How can she put on a smile with burden of loneliness.

I didn't bother her anymore and went to the bed, tomorrow will be another day, another day with same routine. While staring at the ceiling I felt a load over my eyelids while they were closing,  spreading a darkness around me. 

It was my junior year in high school.  I had already spent almost half of it but I hadn't made much friends instead just a girl named Hande.

Hande was sooooo talkative but lively. She kept babbling weird things, her weird thoughts, commentary over other class mates before every lecture. What are they talking about? Are they depressed? No may be they are having fun?  They are dating!! and all other bla bla bla stuff. 

Today I was wearing a light pink baggy hood with a pair of narrow bottom. As usual I was putting in hands-free listening to my favourite piano melody. Actually I wasn't a song listening person. I prefer just music. 

Weather was cloudy and definitely extremely cold. I could have felt winter breeze trying to pierce holes in my face. I entered in the class when I saw bunch of kids standing near the window.

I somehow managed to pass through them to have a look.

"I heard he just transferred here last week", Some girls were whispering near the window.  I looked down to observe. There were few students standing down fighting over something. A boy caught my sight, "I have never seen him before". He was so nice looking, decent boy wearing a blue denim shirt with pair of black jeans. His hair were messy and long, his flesh was pale and smooth.

He was arguing with a teacher, and another boy who was taller than him was standing next to him he was wearing black denim jacket. He kept staring at the boy from senior year, who seemed to be their opponent.

That black denim boy was little weird he was holding a Cigarett which was also very astonishing to see a student holding a cigarette in front of teacher.

Well black denim, blue denim were more suitable names since I was unaware of their names. Collectively denim brothers.

"Do they belong to our section", I asked one of the girl. She didn't replied instead she was looking at them mouth opened.

Come on I know they were handsome but at least tell me. I wanted to say it out loud.

Again I asked her,"are they from our section"?

"Uhmmm what"?? 

"Yeah I saw them taking some courses",she replied while smiling weirdly. "Are they even allowed to smoke in the school premises", I said in disgust.

Suddenly a familiar voice of my lovely friend Hande echoed in my ear which was not going to end soon.

"Hai hai hai good morning pinki princess, why are you wearing pink? You are a man. Be a man. What happened to you? Have you seen any barbie movie last night? Well did you eat something?You had breakfast"?

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