Our new Biology Teacher

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The irritating sound of tea spoon which was circulating in the cup was giving news of coming devastation.

Man who is our so called dean, wearing black suit was glaring at us.

"Did you ever try to read the rules and regulations of this school before entering in, he asked jokingly while standing up.

"Yes we did READ and UNDERSTOOD," Aahil was grinding his teeth. He was totally ready to fight any one any minute.

"But I think you forgot to FOLLOW," he replied instantly.
"Don't worry all three of you are liable to detention. It will surely teach you lesson how to follow".

We were in middle of the torcher when the door to the office opened and a tall boy came in.

"I was already waiting for you, is it going to be your class next," he asked the entering boy?

I looked at Handay who's jaws had already dropped down after looking at the guest teacher who was actually the substitute of our previous biology professor. The moment I saw him coming in I remembered looking at him yesterday from the classroom window when there was the fight between crocodile and his brother with some senior students.

I hit my elbow in my stupid friend's stomach. Who's mouth was now even more dropping down.

"Yes, they belong to my class and most probably there next lecture is with me," our handsome teacher replied with a very dense voice. No doubt but he was attractive man. He seemed almost 25 or 26 to me.

"Ohk Mr. Rakan khan keep It in mind that these students are on detention. I will explain the conditions to you," He said to him while sitting on his chair.

I could sense the bad vibes coming from Aahil. Who was staring the new teacher as if he is going to eat him.

"Now you three go to class, your teacher is going to conduct the lecture any minute," Dean pointed towards the door as if he was asking us to get out.

The entire way towards the class Aahil was pinning holes through his eyes into our bodies. Hande had already reached her limit.
"What are you staring at Haan?"

"I have no interest in staring at stupid dumb girls. I am just looking how could you be so sure that I am a junkie. Look both of you messed up. I don't know why girls consider it compulsory to shout at every sensitive moment, when complete silence is required," he said everything totally like a gangster.

"From how long are you taking drugs?" Hande was totally ready to boil him up.

"He turned and came in front of us," this sudden move made us gasped. We stepped back as if we saw a Jinn.

"I don't take drugs".

"Ohk Ohk I agree I agree,"Hande said while tilting her face backwards.

"No repeat it," he growled.

"Yes yes of course you don't take drugs, you hate drugs, you only smoke super specified filtered cigarettes".

I was carrying the heavy load of hande over my body who was bending over me and trying to ignore the gaze of that crocodile.

When I moved my eyes towards the other end of the corridor. I found a pair of shoes waiting for us to vacant the corridor. I pushed Handay and stood straight.

"If you three have finished your business then kindly go to your classroom," I nodded while looking at him. He glared at me furiously and pointed to the classroom door.

We abruptly turned to the class.

Before entering into class Handay slurred,"This handsome face is going to give us tough time". We sat on the tables at the left corner of class near large window.

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