Glimpse of my Past

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"Ohk honey! I am up, you can come to study when you'll finish," he said and close the door. I could hear the clicking of door again.
I raised and eyebrow to him,"how do you know that I need to remember? How do you know that I have problem in reminding things?"

Instead of giving me Answer he quickly moved near the tub and picked up some sort of keys which may be belonged to him. I got more angrier after observing him ignoring all my questions. I opened my mouth to protest but, he suddenly put his finger on his mouth and asked me to remain quiet.

"I will answer all of your questions, but right now I can't take anymore time. You don't know that answering your questions is my first priority, but the situation isn't allowing me to stay here for even 10 more seconds".

I felt he succeeded in manipulating me. I don't know why but for an instance I sensed it, that I wanted to trust him.
"Ohk I will let you go but on one condition, give me your email Id or any other resources to contact you," I demanded because it was already a very dangerous and stimulating decision I was taking. Being 17 years old I was trying my best to maintain image of a prudent girl. Who understood the situation very well and wants to have an upper hand on an anonymous pervert intruder.

'But you already have my number," he replied while unlocking the door.

Ah yeah he texted me before, I remembered. "Ohk so, what now?" I followed him out of the bathroom.

He didn't even bother to answer and grabbed my hood and pulled me towards the bed room door."You have to go and check the corridor to the end. If there are any guards in the way then wave at me,"he instructed me and lightly pushed me forward as if I was a little kid to him.

I nodded and started walking in the corridor. Why he is acting like a couch who is encouraging a preschooler to accomplish a challenge, I stick out a tongue in order to release my frustration.

"Why my sweetheart is making such face in the middle of the night alone in the corridor?" On hearing my father's voice behind me I screamed my lungs out.
"What are you doing here?" Unintentionally but I asked him so loudly. "Hmmmm it is a very nice way to welcome your dad," he laughed.

I never wanted to welcome him like this but, that stupid pervert. Dad I screamed again. "My little princes! Are you on diet?" he said while looking towards me. "You look slimmer and pale honey".

I looked back in the corridor, now I was getting upset if dad will find out that I was having a imperative conversation with a mysterious person in the lavish bathroom, not lavish I mean. "Aaagggh he is getting on my nerves," I spilled it out by mistake.
"Is everything ok honey? it seems like you have any urgent thing to do," he said while looking at me with concern. "Ohk lets sit and talk, saying so he started walking towards my room".

"No no no! not there its untidy, why don't we go to your room" I asked him while stroking my feet on the floor and that was it. When I am hiding or lying about something, I started having tingling in my legs and arms.
"Honey is everything really ohk or you are hiding something".

"No not at all, it's just that my room is not clean so that's the reason only," I started walking towards my room and with each step I sensed my pulses even in my throat. I almost rushed towards the door so that I can ask him to hide.
I opened the door and found my room empty, I stood still and said politely, "where you are?" But No one answered. I stood there for 5 minutes but no response and also my father didn't come in. I turned to have a look at my father when he suddenly came in and I screamed again.

"Wow wow relax"!
"Honey why do I feel that you are not ohk?"
"Where were you, I impatiently asked him".
"Someone left the door to the veranda open, so I just went to close it. But you, little girl don't try to ignore my question," He took me to the couch and sit next to me.

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