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Darkness was spreading around me while  bringing the silent news of upcoming storm. I wasn't able to see an inch. Thoughts kept coming in my mind. Why all of a sudden? I was too young to understand the situation. Still hiding under the table in order to refrain from someone finding me out.
I could hear shouting of my aunt. Things rapidly bumping as if she was running away from someone.

My grand maa used to tell me that one day this property and wealth that your father has gained will eat all of us. But I never knew situation will turn this bad.

My family was among so noble and well renowned families of turkey. We moved here from Pakistan 8 years before my birth. My father was only 25 then. He along with his two brothers worked very hard to establish such a huge business in another country. Since they were alienate, so it was admirable to inaugurate an industry in such short time span.

From the moment I started getting into senses I saw my father and his brother. They never talked about my other uncle. It was told to us that he left them few years before.

In a family meet-up I overheard a conversation that he was involved in fraudulent scheme and was trying to attain whole industry to his own. My father was the major shareholder, which was somehow unbearable for him. There was a fight among them so he was thrown out of the family. I didn't even know his name and I was not even interested.

My center of attention was my childhood life, school, love of my parents for me, toys and many more that could be a fairytale for a seven years old kid. My father used to spend very few time with us. He used to come late at night sometimes we meet sometimes we don't. That is what I hated about him the most. It felt like he doesn't care. Only things he cared about was his business and that's all.

Noises were getting louder, people screaming. I could hear familiar voices of my grandmaa and my aunt.
Few minutes had passed and now there was a dead silence. A war had ended may be. May be the police have arrived.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my neck dragging me outside from underneath the table. I screamed but suddenly someone turned me so that I can take a look.

"Papaaa",I yelled and started crying. My father was crying too, tears were rolling down his cheeks and falling over my face.

"What happened"? I asked him impatiently. He started hitting his head to the table. After looking at his terrible situation I also started crying. Your mother is not anymore with us honey, that bastard killed her.

"Police is behind him".

A sharp pain arose in my spinal cord under my head, the image in front of me became blurry. I felt like I am falling into deep sleep. Last thing I'd remembered was a loud thud.

Cold surface of floor was giving me trails of silent waves penetrating though my body.

Deep inside my heart there was a hallow which was now filling with tiredness and fear at the same time.

What that man had done to us. Being a kid I never thought of having such night in my life. What he wanted he hadn't gotten at the end. Then why killed my mother?

I felt out of breathe, tightness in my chest was growing. I was struggling to get out of this darkness suddenly I gasped and opened my eyes.
I felt paralyzed for a moment. It was inherited problem and this dream has became part of my life since that incidence when I lost my mother.

I rolled over my stomach and tried to reach my cell phone. "Ahhh its only two", I said while my body was drenched with sweat.

10 years had passed since that tragedy. We had moved to Istanbul from Ankara.

My father had changed a lot. I never thought that he would become so caring. From my school to my home routine he had check on everything. A strong physique body guard was hired for me who was also my driver.

Thinking all that stuff my father cared about, I stood up and wore my sweatshirt, clipped up my hair since I don't like them dancing on my face.

I opened the large sliding door and came into the balcony which was my favorite spot because, from here I could have seen Bosphorus bridge.

The Bosphorus Bridge is one of two suspension bridges spanning the Bosphorus strait and connecting Europe to Asia.

The gilding lights were sparkling my eyes. I kept looking at them for almost an hour and kept thinking about the blurry images of my childhood.

Where all of them have gone? Only memory I had was of grandmaa my mother momo and Jaan. Father told me all of others are not more than a peril for me. Its better for me to stay away from them.

"Amal what are you doing out there baby"? A well-recognized voice of my maid, aunt whatever you want to call her, popped up in my ears.
"Just catching a breath", I told her while turning towards her. She was just coming into the balcony and stood with me.

"Baby you will catch cold just come in now. Don't you know your father will be so angry with me if he'll know that you were standing out at 2 am in such cold weather".

I wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying.

I was just trying to search my lost part. "Momo I don't remember exactly but was there any fat boy I used to play with and also a thin girl, I don't know who were they", I asked her in a state of trouble.

"Baby don't think much about that time, your father already told you to stop pressing your mind".

"But I kept having nightmares how can I get rid of them, every day I woke up thinking to myself that I will not think about them anymore and again ended up having those missing pieces of puzzles", I looked at her while spilling out my frustration.

"I think you should have an appointment with the psychiatrist this weekend, it will relax you and make you feel better".

"Did dad asked you for this so you can manipulate me and arrange an appointment"?
"I don't want to waste my time with that doctor, he just keep saying stuff I don't even understand, childhood amnesia blab bla bla. He is sick he needs a psychiatrist for himself".

Momo kept shaking her head and denying everything I was saying.

These dreams have connection with my childhood, at least I knew that. But how come I get to know who are these people in my dreams.

Living With Lethality- (Completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang