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Before taking me to his place Rakkan dropped Hande.
Later he drove to an unknown residence.
It was another house, not Rakan's but somewhere near his place. We entered into the living room where a couple with their two kids welcomed us. Aahil was already there.

"So he is aware that Amal knows?"
Aahil asked while pouring tea into his cup. Everything was quieter than normal.

Rakkan pointed at me,"Amal I'm ready to hear.

So I told him everything from tour to how I ended up inside the quarters. He pinched his nose bridge and stared at Aahil.

"It's clear he became aware of the whole situation, specially when he sent Jaan to mom. Rakkan what do you think he wouldn't have even searched about you?"

"Definitely he would have done the searching. Also they were going to know, but this is quite unexpected," he looked at me while slurring out the words.

"Your heroine jumped into the quarters from nowhere, isn't it a big sign?"

Did my ears hear right? Heroine? What Aahil was up to I just went down there to check on the my grandmother. My anger made my hand clench into a fist.

"Amal how's she? Mentally physically"

"Mentally she was stable, talking to me. But physically so weak and lean, wait I remember when me and hande locked ourselves into men bathroom at 360 and Aahil talked about someone's mental condition".

"Yes I was talking about her, because court doesn't hear the testimony of a mentally unstable person".

"When did you met her Rakkan?"

"The day I met you".
Abruptly that night appeared in my mind.

How did you come upstairs so quickly? This freaking question kept popping into my mind since from that night.

He chuckled and turned towards me,"I wasn't in the porch actually and never planned on giving the flowers nor I was aware, they are poisonous. I climbed upto your balcony through the window slits. Normally you sleeps early but that night you weren't even ready to sleep. So this man went down picked up some flowers from your father's green house placed them near the entrance and then texted you".

Before I said something, Aahil opened his mouth.
"Why did you place the flowers it wasn't even necessary?"

"Just to get some time, I knew they would take attention of maid Maria".

"Did you come at house often? But why?" I broke my curiosity.

"I needed to check on my father's old records and also the plan of working, how Altamash was managing the whole company. How much he has made until now. Listen Amal it doesn't belong to him. It's yours. He killed the whole family for this wealth, stole everything he could have".

"Rakkan, once during the class of herbal toxicology you mentioned someone you lost, who had been poisoned by €€€££%^...."

He sighed while looking towards the yard.

"It's getting late, I'm going back. Once you'll be done telling her everything call your lawyer as well," Aahil said while moving out to the porch.

"It was your father...."

Whole of my body went into a trauma and Goosebumps appeared over my arm. What he is saying my father was killed by the poison?

"Tell me everything"

I was in the attic working on my science project when grandma called me. She said your father was expecting me into his office.
After reaching there I sat across him and he talked about some sort of unwelcomed jeopardy. I never knew what he was saying until we were attacked. Amal there is a missing piece in our conversation. He asked me to do something and honestly I don't remember". He said while punching the table which made me jump a bit.

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