They both wanted to throw questions at the other but they couldn't because they knew if they did they would have to answer too and they weren't ready to do so. Hence, they chose to remain silent after fighting their strong urge to ask. They stood there not breaking their eyelock for once.

Their moment broke when Dev Kapoor bursted into the office worriedly. It was obvious that the news of Ahana being unconscious in Rheyan's arms was going to spread like a rapid fire in whole building and would be a new gossip for many. Dev rushed toward Ahana and hugged her. Releasing her from the hug, he took in her look.

"You did it again, didn't you?" He accused her angrily.

She was countering back but he cut her off.

"How can you do this Ahana? You promised me you won't do that again but you broke your promise." He accused her again dropping his head to side in anger and disappointment.

She held him by his shoulders.

"I didn't." She said very slowly in low and assuring tone.

He looked back at her. She shook her head in confirmation while pulling the sleeve of left arm slightly up only for him to see. She gave him a weak smile when he was satisfied.

"I got scared." He admitted kissing her forehead. His teary eyes proved how much he meant his words.

"It's okay." She said softly. Her voice very soothing.

Whole while Rheyan was watching them standing at his same position. It was first time he saw his father shouting at Ahana. Everytime he saw them together he always felt as if they were real father daughter. He was always envious of her. He knew Dev might have shouted at her but behind it was his concern for her. One thing he didn't understand was the reason behind his sudden outburst.

"What happened then?" Dev asked looking at her hand.

"Doctor said her blood pressure rose up slightly. Nothing to worry about." Rheyan answered grabbing attention of both of them indicating his presence to his father.

"And this?" Dev asked again pointing toward her hand.

Ahana didn't know how to answer his question, whether she should tell him or not. Dev was looking between them waiting for an answer to his question. Rheyan saw her contemplating.

"Your dear one have some anger issues, dad. She punched the wall harshly just because her boss scolded her for being late in meeting and that was the reason for rise in b.p." Rheyan said in his usual cold tone for Dev to believe his lie.

Ahana looked at him in surprise. Dev thought for a second but bought his lie at the end.

Dev's secretary came in informing him the arrival of clients. He excused himself and went for meeting. Ahana and Rheyan were again left alone in office but this time there was an awkward silence between them. They were looking everywhere but each other. Ahana looked at her wrist watch for time. It showed quarter past five.

"Thank you." She said meekily.

Rheyan looked at her and nodded in acknowledgement not trusting his words for the moment.

"I'll be in my cubicle doing work." She informed and walked toward the door.

As she hold the knob of the door, he stopped her.

"Miss Ahana!" He called.

She looked back at him.

"You can leave now. Resume your work from tomorrow." He said hesitatingly.

"I'm fine sir. I want to continue with my work." She said giving him a weak smile.

He said nothing in return. She went to her cubicle. All employees were whispering and staring at her. It was a routine for her yet she was not comfortable with them. She continued her work ignoring the unwanted attention from the people to divert her mind. She wanted to keep herself busy because she knew if she didn't she would keep thinking about the incident which was not quite healthy for her mind. She remembered her psychiatrist had told her to not to overthink about things and she was trying to do the same.

Query: -

Hello lovely readers!👋

On the very first note I want to thank you all for your continuous support and encouragement. 😊😄

I wanted to ask you all which p.o.v. you liked the most till now❓

It was being difficult for me to write this chapter but thanks to my constant bugging and motivating best friend Aasmajindal 😘😜😜who never forgot to remind me about the update. So I thought of changing p.o.v. this time.

Please do reply which p.o.v. you liked so that I could work on the rest for improvement.🙏

Keep loving Ahana and Rheyan❤️ and supporting me.😄

Thank you 🙏


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