↞ Chapter Thirty-One ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twenty-Three

"All right how about we try this again?" Danny's voice echoed through the speakers as I watched through the window of the interrogation room. I had my feet propped up on the shelf next to the window and I was swinging back and forth in the spiral chair I was in.

We had been in here for at least four hours, and I had already had three cups of coffee and a cup of tea. I didn't even feel the tired anymore just annoyance. We've gotten just about nothing from the man in the box whose name I couldn't remember.

He was mostly complaining about the fact that he had to pee, but Danny wouldn't let him leave. Which I vaguely understood, he hoped that the 'banger' as (Jameson would call him)  would reach a breaking point and tell us what we wanted to know but I wasn't sure.

"I don't know what to do Kenai." I muttered, glancing down at her by my feet. She was mostly asleep, and I didn't blame her. She usually slept through the night with no issue, she preferred to sleep on Jameson's feet because they were always cold, and the floor was not much different, except the fact that it was as hard as a rock.

I had spent my first few hours looking through phone records and such and had found something worth while but I didn't want to interrupt Danny in his natural habitat.

"He peed!"  Danny shouted from inside the box, I snorted, shaking my head at the drama of it all but mostly ignoring them.

I leaned my head back, glancing up at the ceiling in a lazy motion. The door to the box opened a few minutes later, and I dropped my feet with a much to aggressively loud thump.

"You've got anything from our friend?" I asked though I knew the answer.

"Fear, loathing, and a pile of piss on the ground." Danny muttered, "I'm telling you Santana gets more fear and loathing out of those guys than I ever could. There's no playing the weakest link here."

I nodded, muttering in agreement. "Where gonna have to get Santana, and no one else will do." Danny grunted as an agreement, before sighing and leaning up against the wall. "Right come on, and grab the boss too."

Danny squinted at me in confusion but nodded either way, he disappeared into the boss' office to grab him and I moved towards my desk with Kenai, grabbing a large stack of papers off of it. I turned with a much to excited smile when Sarge and Danny joined me at the desk grouping.

"Right, so this is the phone dump on Jorge's cellular over the last three months." I handed the both of them a small stack of papers and they glance at them as I continue. "Those highlighted ones are a pattern of calls made every couple of weeks, always over the same 48 hours in high numbers. As well as to five specific numbers, one of which is Santana."

Gormley pointed at the paper as he continued my explanation. "And they're made on the move, they bounce off a dozen different cell towers."

"Exactly!" I announced excitedly. "The pattern picked up again last night, but it died round the time the mayor got hit."

"All right I'm sorta followin'." Gormley nodded and I smiled.

"What you're saying is the guns and the drugs are all orchestrated between these five in a schedule that the pattern represents?" Danny phrased it as a question, but I knew he knew the answer was yes.

"I've thought we could start with an eavesdropping warrant, I've been texting with a connection at the D.A.'s office and she's confident we'll get it. We'll do a little survelliance, wait for a drop or a pick up and ta-da." I smiled, "We'll get him."

Gormley made a face, "All the while hoping Santana's stupid enough to just go about business as usual?"

I bobbled my head from side to side. "More like cocky enough, he's an arrogant son of a bitch, and I don't think he would stop going about his business just because two detectives are on his trail."

Danny hummed in agreement, and I smiled nodding my head rather aggressively.

"Get on it." Gormley said it with a nod, handing my papers back to me. "And good job Howards."

I smiled nodding and accepting the papers. Gormley walked away and I turned to Danny reaching for a fist bump. He looked at me smugly.

"'Connection in the D.A.'s office'?" He asked, "You mean Erin."

"Who else." I put my files back on my desk in a nicer stack then they were in originally and scratched at Kenai's head. I grabbed my desk phone, starting to dial the number for Erin's office.

"I'll call," Danny offered, and I was quick to shake my head as I pressed the phone against my ear.

"She likes me more," I whispered, before turning away and speaking quickly into the phone. "Hullo, can you pass me through to A.D.A Reagan's office?"

"Yes sir," The phone beeped before it started to ring again.

"A.D.A Reagan," Erin answered with a flat voice, one that sounded like she would rather do anything other than this.

"Erin, it's Jett, can I get an eavesdropping warrant on a batch of cell phones?" I asked, taking a seat in my chair and propping my head against my arm on the desk.

"Oh hello, straight to the point then."

I don't know if it was how tired I was, or if I was just in a giggly mood, but I spoke without thinking about it: "Erin, nothing about me is straight."

Danny started to laugh, before quickly trying to cover it with a cough. I could picture the shocked look on Erin's face and smiled despite myself.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Don't be!" Erin was quick to respond and I smiled, "I honestly needed that."

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