↞ Chapter Thirty-Six ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-Two

The idea  of getting a tattoo was much better than actually getting a tattoo.

I feel as though a bee had repeatedly stung my arm, and the entire thing was swollen as a response. This was, of course, not the case, my arm was barely red now and the tattoo looked rather brilliant.

Just as simple as a couple of forget-me-not flowers attached to a stem with three leaves. Specifically three leaves, one for my mum, one for my dad, and one for me. My aunt approved of the idea, and while it was close to midnight her time I still sent her a photo. The strangest thing about getting a tattoo was the fact that they wrapped my arm in some sort of plastic wrap, I was told to leave it on at least until Monday, and then it'd be alright.

When I got home Jameson's car wasn't out front, so I assumed he hadn't got off work yet, and let Kenai off-leash to do her business. I pulled my carton of cigarettes out, pulling one out and lighting it before inhaling deeply.

I looked into the carton, promising myself that I wouldn't buy another carton after this one, and as Kenai came bounding back towards me her nails clicking on the concrete as she went I dropped my cigarette on the ground, crushing it with my heel, before opening the door to my flat. Kenai raced up stairs, and I clomped up after her.

"Hullo Mrs. Jefferson!" I shout as I reach the top of the stairs, doing it for no other reason than to annoy her. She shouted hello back, and I smiled.

I unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside, stomping on my entrance mat to get rid of the dirt on my shoes before removing my coat.

"Hey babe." My heart stopped.

I turned, faster than I should have and nearly lost my balance as I did. I reached for my weapon, before relaxing with a loud dramatic sigh.

"Gods Jameson." I mutter, taking a deep breath and placing a hand over my heart. Jameson took a different approach, he bent over, laughing in a way that made me laugh. I smiled, shaking my head and walking towards him. "Hello my love." I kissed his cheek, before hip-checking him.

It took him a minute to stop laughing, but I had already moved on. "Coffee love?"

He shook his head, joining me in the kitchen and wrapping his arms around my stomach. I could feel his face pressing into the middle of my back and I smiled as I made myself a cup of coffee.

"Mrs. Jefferson let me in." He mumbled into my back, I nodded, putting just a bit of instant coffee in the bottom of my mug before turning to face Jameson. I kissed the top of his head, wrapping my right arm around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry I yelled earlier love." It had been nagging at me that I had yelled, and I knew that I needed to apologize. He shook his head, wrapping his arms around me tighter and mumbling into my shirt.

"Danny and I were being dumb, you were fine to yell."

I sighed, smiling and kissing the top of his head. The kettle flipped off, and I turned, pouring the water into my mug and adding a packet of sugar. I took a sip, humming a bit, before starting to turn back to Jameson.

He had disappeared, along with Kenai. I whistled, wanting to hear her nails on the concrete but I nothing came. I leaned through the doorway, checking the couch for the pair of them but finding myself quickly disappointed.

"Jameson?" I shouted, before heading down the hallway. I had a spare bedroom, which I turned into my office, which I'm pretty sure Jameson didn't even know about. He wasn't in the bathroom, and just as I stepped into the my bedroom I found him and Kenai asleep on the bed, or at least falling asleep. "Jameson, my love." I muttered, walking into the room and toeing off my shoes by the bed side.

I leaned over, kissing his cheek and laying down beside him. He turned into me, his head resting on my chest.

"Sorry." His voice was low with sleep, and I melted into him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so tired." Jameson yawned loudly.

"I didn't even get to show you my surprise." I mutter, sitting up just a bit. He perked up as much as he could in the his half-asleep state, and smiled. "I, got a tattoo."

"Ooh." He sits up a bit, leaning his heads on his hands and looking me up and down.

I rolled my sleeve up, showing him the forget-me-nots, with a happy-sad sort of smile. He holds my hand with one of his, lightly tracing the tattoo with one of his fingers. As he looks at it, I start to explain.

"My father's favorite flower was forget-me-nots, and my mothers favorite color was blue." I mutter, and he looks up at me.

"Was?" He asks.

"Fifteen years ago, my mother and father died in a car accident." I sighed, screwing my eyes shut. "That's why I left early this morning, and why I was in a bloody awful mood earlier."

Jameson leaned forward, kissing me, "I think it's beautiful." He smiles in a cheesy way. "Just like you."

I snort, kissing his forehead, and leaning my head back on my pillow. His head rests on my chest, and in minutes we are asleep.

And it's the best I've ever slept.

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