↞ Chapter Six ↠

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Season Three, Episode Eleven

I've never realized how great of a conversationalist Erin is until we got the chance to go for breakfast before she needed to be in the office, and before my shift started. She was brilliant, she always has the right thing to say in the lull in the conversations, and I really truly loved spending the morning with her.

We met at some breakfast place that she had been meaning to try, and we just talked. Erin asked about my cases, I asked about hers, it was like a big catch up. It was pretty fantastic.

That is, until she asked the one  question I never expected her to ask.

"How did you know you were gay?"

My shock around the question wasn't necessarily because it was her, if anything it was more for the abruptness of the question.

"Why you thinking about it?" I spoke with a laugh and a smile, before shaking my head and leaning forward. Erin immediately embarrassed, and started to apologize. I interrupted. "I don't mind the question, when it comes from you, but to be honest." I sighed, thinking of my teenage years, and unconsciously reaching down to pet Kenai who sat just under me. "It wasn't really a thing that I suddenly knew, it was like I already knew it. It was a part of me, and I just had to say it out loud to realize."

Erin considered my words for a long time, and I just watched her as she did. There was to much going on in the cafe for me to focus on her face, but I could tell that Erin was understanding. My phone chimed in my pocket, but I ignored it, waving the waitress over and asking for the check.

"No, no, no, I'll take it." Erin attempted to take the check from me, but I just shook my head, passing  my card to the waitress and telling her to run it.

"I invited you, it's only fair that I pay. It's," I paused as my phone went off again in my pocket. "It's no biggie." It went off again, and I was sure to ignore it, not wanting to interrupt my first breakfast with my boyfriend's sister.

"You can take that if you need to, I don't mind." As Erin spoke she pulled out her own phone, though I guarantee she had a much better reason than I did. During breakfast she shared a little bit about her current case, and that she was still waiting for a bit of information. Based off of the way her posture changed, I could tell it was what she was waiting for.

"You ready to go?" I asked, standing from my chair with Kenai's leash in hand and waiting for Erin to follow.

She stood, hefting her bag onto her shoulder and following me towards the door. I held it open for her, before following a step behind. My phone went of again, and as Erin wasn't facing me, I pulled it out, a bit of worry going through me when I realized what it was.

Erin turned to face me, sticking her arm out to wave down a cab as she did. "Do you want to split a-"

"Erin I have to go." I interrupted her, looking up at her and hoping that I didn't look nervous. I shoved my phone into my back pocket, winding Kenai's leash a little tighter around my hand.

"What is it? What's happened?" Erin stepped towards me, ignoring the honking cab that pulled up behind her.

"There's been a shooting, in the park. Police involved, one doa, they've requested a supervisor, and I'm assuming Danny and I'll catch the case." I smiled in an apologetic way, though I had no need too, we had already finished our planned morning.

"Well," She turned, shouting for the cabbie to hold on for a minute. "You take this one, I'll get the next."

"Thank you Erin, but no thank you. It's just a few blocks around, I'll walk." I stepped forward, accepting the hug that she was offering, before saying that I would see her at dinner on Sunday. She smiled, stepping into the cab, and as she pulled off the curb I started towards the park.

I took my time, knowing that the shooting team, and most of the other police officers that need to be there wouldn't be there just yet. Kenai trotted beside me the entire way, happy enough with the extra walk, and I just watched the people as we went.

It's a different comparison, London and New York. In London, there are very specific laws about firearms, and handguns aren't even allowed. But here in New York, I have one, those that go through the proper channels have one, and even random illegal ones exist. It's a worrying thought, even for a Detective Inspector like myself.

I reached the edge of the park with no real issue, and just as I started to cross the street, I saw where the assumed shooting happened. The only reason that I assume it happened there was the large smattering of officers, camera men, reporters and civilians. I approached, pausing slightly to move my shield from my belt to my jacket lapel so that it was on full display for anyone who thought to stop me.

I stepped under the tape, nodding at those that I passed and approaching "Sargent Renzuli." I called, holding a hand out for him to shake. We had not seen each other in quite a while and he smiled when he saw me.

"Detective Inspector Howards, good to see you." A flash of confusion passed across his face. "What're'ya doing here?"

"I'm here to work the case."

"No you're not. Case went to Detective Jeffries. You've got a, uh," he paused, the kind of pause that is just long enough to make it awkward. Like the Sargent didn't know what to call it, "personal  stake in this particular case."

The wording was strange, and I tried to understand what would make this case not go to Danny and I, and then I realized exactly what he meant.


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