↞ Chapter Fifteen ↠

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Episode Five

I woke up in the emergency room. Not the first time, but the only time I didn't know why.

I moved a bit, groaning as an ache passed through my everywhere. I moved to prop myself up, and I was startled when hands appeared on my arm and shoulder. They helped me to sit up, and when I looked at the face who the hands belonged to I didn't recognize the owner.

"It was a seizure." When the woman stepped away, I saw that she was wearing scrubs.

"Seizure? I've never," I pause, swallowing through my dry throat, "I've never had one before."

"And you probably won't again." She smiles, and I realize she means it as good news. "I'll go get the doctor alright?"

I nod, and watch her leave the room. I readjust myself on the bed again, looking down when I feel a tug on my arm. I look at it with worried eyes, following the trail of the tube up to a bag of liquid. I reach up with my right, turning the bag and squinting at the label before grabbing hold of the bag to keep it steady.

"It's Saline." A voice sounds from the other side of the room, and I freeze, quickly turning around and sitting still. A woman is standing at the door, a different woman than before, I smile and wave a bit at her. "I'm Doctor Helen Mar."

"It's a pleasure Doctor, I'm Jethro-"

"Howards, yes, your chart says as much." She lifts a clipboard into the air, and I nod at it.

"A good read?" She laughs lightly, nodding as she walks to the side of the bed and flips the clipboard open.

"Very funny detective." Dr. Mar pauses for a minute, reading the papers in front of her before turning her attention back to me. "You had what's called a Grand Mal seizure, and not a serious one."

"Jolly good, what caused it, and when can I leave?" I've never liked hospitals, spent to much of my childhood in one to have any good memories.

"You had low electrolytes, which caused the dizziness and the passing out, and the trauma from hitting your head on the," she pauses glancing down at the chart before continuing, "car, and then the ground later on, all created the perfect storm for the seizure. But you aren't at risk for anymore. You can leave once you finish the bag." She flips the chart closed before tucking it under her arm.

I nod, rolling my shoulders, before holding my hand out to the Doctor to shake. She complies, and just as she turns to leave I ask one more question. "I'm cleared for duty right?"

She nods a few times, "Just take a few days off and you're all set."

"Thank you."

Dr. Mar smiles at me and inclines her head to me, "Thank you for what you did. I saw it on the news during my break, the city owes you a debt Detective." I smile muttering thank you once again. "You've got a visitor, I'll send him in?"

"Please do."

"I'll have someone bring in the discharge papers as well." She replies, and I nod in thanks.

It's silent in the room for a minute, I could see the flurry of nurses and doctors outside, but it was calm in here. A lull of voices and intercoms filled the silence, and while I tried to stay calm my heart was buzzing. Just enough for the heart monitor to beat an annoying amount of times every minute. My eyes bounced around the room, taking in the sights of the bland monochrome room.

"You look like you're going nuts already." I looked to the doorway, and smile brightly when I see Danny Reagan standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"How you feelin'?" Danny pats me on the shoulder, looking me up and down before back in the eyes.

"I'm fine, the doctor said it was a type of seizure." He looks nervous for a mo, but I'm quick to continue. "It's no big deal, I'm already cleared, no lasting symptoms. One time thing. She called it a "perfect storm" or something like that."

Danny just nods, as if he doesn't know what to say next.

"Where's Kenai?"

"Course, the dog." He smiles, grabbing the chair in the corner of the room and dragging it to sit by the bed. "Kenai is outside waiting in the back of a squad car with an officer who claims they're old friends?"

I smile again, hoping he means Jameson. "Wonderful."

Danny starts to say something again, but a nurse walks into the room with a clipboard and a bag. "Clothes, discharge papers," she plops both onto the bed, before walking around take a look at all of the doctor-equipment-things. She nods approvingly at it before asking for my arm, "You've finished the bag, so you're all set. Just leave those papers with the desk and she'll see to it."

"Thank you." She nods to me, offering a light smile, before leaving the room. I push my feet over the side of the bed and grab my bag of clothes.

"Well, pop off, I've got to get changed and then I am going home. You've got family dinner still, and I won't be the reason you're late." When I look up at Danny he looks tired, but a different kind of tired. The kind you feel when you've gotten good news after a time of worry, the kind of tired when you've gotten happy after a long time of being sad. "Wow Danny, few tears for your nearly dead partner?"

"Ha-ha," He laughs in a fake dramatic way, before leaning back a bit. "Tears of joy." A smile comes onto his face, before he shakes his head. "Maybe I was a little worried."

"Good, I'd be worried otherwise." I nod to the door, "Now bugger off. I'll see you on the job tomorrow."

"Wednesday. Doc said to take a few days off, if I see you before than I'll escort you home myself." Danny stands up and points at me quite aggressively, before waving goodbye and leaving.

I smile as he goes, shaking my head a bit before pulling on my trousers and other bits of clothing, my jacket was last to come on, and I was sure to check all the pockets for my knick -knacks. In the inside left pocket I was surprised to find a folded up bit of paper, I started to open it up, but got easily distracted by the pieces of paper I needed to fill out to leave.

It was easy enough, just had to write why I was in, and if I was satisfied with my care, I was. Nothing terrible about a saline bag and an IV. Once it was filled and I was dressed with shoes on I hurried to hand off to the desk the nurse had told me to go to.

"These are my discharge papers?" I held them out to the man sitting behind the desk, and when he looked up he gave me a wink before accepting them. I felt myself instinctively smile, before awkwardly saluting and turning around to leave.

I curse myself under my breath as I go, muttering about embarrassing myself and how I shouldn't have saluted. I opened the door to the stairs and hurried down and out the door before I could really even process the fact that I was where I was. I nodded to the few people that I passed, and just as I reached the door to the hospital I ended up holding it open for quite a few people as I tried to leave.

"Thank you," The last man nodded to me, and held to door open for me to leave, and I was thankful but quick to squeeze by. I paused at the edge of the sidewalk and scanned the area ahead of me, trying to find the squad car that had my dog.

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