↞ Chapter Eighteen ↠

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Episode Eight

"You're already drinking coffee." When Danny picked me up from my flat, it wasn't a question.

I let Kenai into the back before sliding into the front seat. My coffee was still in a mug, but I had a thermos for Danny. He accepted it gratefully, breathing in the steam rolling through the opening of the cup. He sighs, before pulling the car into drive and shooting off down the road.

"My kid brother's involved." He mutters, taking a sip from the thermos with a loud gulp.

"I," I squint, thinking through the past few months here, "I didn't even know you had a brother?" It was a question, I know that he is the son of Frank Reagan, given that I had met him before my move. I know that he had an older brother, emphasis on had, and I know that there is a sister in the mix. But I didn't know that there was a younger brother as well.

"Yeah, he's my much younger brother." He didn't continue, so I didn't ask anymore questions, the rest of the drive was silent.

When you approach a crime scene, it's best to be prepared to get out of your car, no matter the temperature or fanfare surrounding the scene. Danny put the car in park, hitting the emergency break for good measure, before climbing out. I was a little less ready, taking a moment to attach my shield to the lapel of my long coat, before climbing out. Kenai hoped across the front seat, and scrambled out my car door, I took hold of her leash before following Danny.

Danny went straight for the ambulance, which is odd, given the body is still on the ground, but he has his reasons, so I didn't question following him around the back. A young man was standing there, facing away from us and having a word with another detective. The detective's name slipped my mind, but he was from our precinct, and as we approached he gave us a nod, and told the young man that he would be back.

I stood off to the side, watching as Danny approached his brother, and then I saw who it was.

"Jameson?" His name fell from my mouth, and he turned around smiling at me and giving a small wave.

"Oh, you guys know each other. Great, no introduction needed." Danny looked between the two of us, before ducking his head and looking his brother in the eyes. "What happened kid?"

"Well, uh," He took a deep shaky breath, before giving the high points of what had happened. "You know the Asian Triad right?"

Danny considered it, but I spoke up. "Yeah, they kidnap illegal immigrants and try to squeeze money out of their families back in China."

Jameson nods, "I think that's what I saw. Two suspects, both had guns, but when I searched the guy he didn't have it. He must have tossed it."

"A guns not gonna last long on the streets of Chinatown kid." Danny glances over his shoulder, "What else?"

Jameson pauses for a second before continuing. "There was another woman, she saw the whole thing. Perp pushed her up against the wall, she might have had lacerations on her forehead."

Danny nods a few times, and I nearly groaned out-loud, finding two Chinese women in Chinatown is not going to be easy, and Danny voiced this. He shook his head, before making sure his brother was okay, and walking away to have a word with the detective who's name I can't seem to remember.

I took a few steps forward, looking Jameson up and down to make sure he was okay, and he seemed to be. His hands are shaking slightly, which is understandable given the weather and what he just saw.

"Your off duty." He looks up at me when I speak, and nods his head a few times. "What are you doing down here?"

He pauses, and I instantly catch that he's hiding something, not that it's any of my business. "Just walking around after tour, blowing off steam." Jameson doesn't sound sure, and I don't push for the real answer. I take a few steps closer, ducking my head and speaking in a low voice.

"Internal Affairs is going to be all over you for this, you'll want to get your story straight. Who you were talking too, what you were doing, where you were going." Jameson looks nervous, and I shake my head, "Don't worry to much about it, just breath and stay calm."

He mutters a thank you, and I nod to him as I turn away. I only make it a few feet before glancing back over my shoulder. "I'm glad you're alright Jameson."

Jameson smiles at me, a secret sort of smile. One that is meant for just me, and I return it with little thought.

To say I was surprised to learn that Jameson is actually a Reagan would be an understatement, but I wasn't going to let that bother me. I honestly should have seen it coming, given the fact that he wears a pin on his uniform that says "Reagan" and I'm a detective. But whatever either way.

Danny nods to me over the detectives shoulder as I approach. "Detective Tuan, this is my partner Detective Howards."

"It's a pleasure Detective Tuan." I hold a hand out to him, and he shakes it firmly.

"You as well Howards." He points toward the man under the sheet. "The DOA's Grant Lee, a foot soldier of the triad."

"Any sign of the driver?" Danny asks as he looks closer at the body splayed out on the ground. 

"Not yet, but we've got people looking. Blue Subaru Impreza WRX, New York plates." Detective Tuan sounds unenthusiastic about finding the car, for good reason. Without a partial plate it'll be difficult to find the car, but I'm confident we will.

"It'd really help if we could find the bad guy here, I.A's gonna be all over my little brother." Danny stands, looking around at the crowd that's gathered in the half hour we've been here "He said something about two girls? Two Chinese girls in their early-to-mid-twenties, with shoulder-length black hair."

Detective Tuan chuckles, it's a deep hollow sound. "That describes thirty people at just my wedding."

I snort, shaking my head, before motioning to the crowd. "No talkers?"

"You gotta know by now, 'see no evil, hear no evil, do no evil.'" Tuan shakes his head, "I've tried three different languages, but no luck."

I squint a bit at a woman standing just inside the edge of the crowd, she looks at the covered body with a worried look, and when her faces catches the light her forehead has a deep cut on it. I nudge Danny pointing to the woman, before slowly walking forward. Just as I'm a few feet away she starts to turn.

"我想问你几个问题。" I watched as the woman deflated, before turning back to face me and nodding slowly. She clutches her bag strap tighter, avoiding looking me directly in the eyes. I put a hand on her arm, leading her towards Danny who takes her to the car.

Tuan nods at me with an impressed look, "Your pronunciation is perfect, but you speak through your nose." I watch as he walks away, and I laugh as I turn around. My mind went to following Danny to the car, but I reconsidered for a minute, moving instead to Jameson at the back of the ambulance.

His arms were wrapped tight around himself as I approached, and without thinking twice I pull my jacket off and wrap it around his shoulders. His hands instantly grab the sleeves of it, pulling it around him as he mutters a thank you. Jameson turns around, and nearly looks surprised to see me. He mouths my name, before muttering another thank you.

"I'd offer you a ride home, but I can already tell you that I.A. wants to talk to you on scene." He huffs, rubbing his arms with the palms of his hands, his breath forms wispy clouds in front of him. "Keep the coat. I'll get it back from you when you no longer need it."

"Thank you Jett." Jameson smiles lightly at me, and as I turn to walk away I feel his hand brush against my arm. I turn, and am surprised to find him standing a lot closer to me with a light smile. His hand finds its way into mine squeezing it tightly. "Thank you Jethro."

I walk away breathless.



"我想问你几个问题。"=  I want to ask you a few questions.

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