↞ Chapter Nine ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twelve

"Hey Jett."

"Linda, Bonjourno!" I replied, pressing my phone into my cheek with my shoulder as I stack all of my files on my desk. Danny looked up at me as I spoke into my phone.

"Why is she calling you?" His voice was low and whispering as he looked at me with a funny face. I waved him off, turning to head towards the files rooms with the stack in my hands.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Linda asked, and when I replied she was quick to ask it. "Can you pick up chocolate cheesecake from Wojcik Polish Bakery?"

"Course, for Sunday?"

"Yes please, the only thing is, they don't do orders over the phone and they aren't open on Sundays. So-"

"So I should stop by the bakery after shift tonight." I smile, stuffing some of the folders into the filing cabinet. "No problem, I'll stop by and pick up Saturday afternoon."

Linda let out a happy sigh, "You're the best Jett."

"It's no problem, see you Sunday then." I waited for her goodbye, before hanging up and putting my phone away into my pocket and finishing putting away all of my files.

When I stepped back into the main floor of the precinct Danny was waiting for me and just about to speak when Gormley shouted both of our names.

"Reagan, Howards!" He caught our attention quickly and as we walked towards him he did the bog-boss-hands-on-hip thing. "Where are we on that bodega shooting?"

"Nowhere Sarge." Danny started.

"Couple kids saw the shooter, but it's 12th Street Boyz territory, so nobody's talking." I finished, putting my hands in my front pocket and rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Uh-huh, how about the hit and run?"

"That one's even colder." Danny sighed as he spoke, and I knew that the both of us were rather frustrated in the idea of not being able to close either case.

"You know we're in the business of closing cases, right?" Gormley turned around and led the way through the precinct as he gave us a stern talking too.

Danny groans, speaking with a bit of foul language and with a laugh. "Come on, you can't be busting our balls, Sarge."

"Well Chief of D's just did a number on mine, so I'm spreadin' the wealth." That's something that I've learned since coming to New York, people aren't afraid of being vulgar.

"Then you spoke to soon. That string of random assaults in Greenpoint?" At Gormley's nod, I continued. "We were able to sweet talk victim number four into explaining how they're not so random."

"Uh-huh." He looked me down, and a few seconds past before he, quite aggressively say, "And?"

"Right, sorry boss." I snorted, realizing my mistake. "They're all clients of a local bookie named-" I paused, pulling my notebook out and glancing at it before continuing. "Alan Greer, the beatin's a bit of a warning to pay."

Gormley nodded, "So your vic can I.D. the attacker as Greer?"

"Well, no." Danny continued, "But apparently he keeps a very detailed little black book, so we get our hands on that book-"

"You can connect him to all the victims and get the to press charges." Gormley clapped his hands together in a sarcastic way before turning to step into his office.

"Wow, you know what Sarge? I bet you can't wait till tomorrow." Danny mutters sarcastically.

"Why's that?" Gormley asks over his shoulder, Danny snorts before he continued.

"Because you get smarter every day." Danny smiles, and after a moment I do too. It took me longer than I care to admit to understand the joke and Gormley lets out a dry laugh as he turns into his office.

"I'll head over to the A.D.A's and try to get a search warrant for Greer's yeah?" I pat Danny on the shoulder as I turn back towards my desk for my weapon and Kenai.

"Sounds good." He plops down in his chair with a sigh, "I'll just wait here."

He said it in a sort of half-arsed way, and I smiled with a shake of my head as I walked away. The fact that Danny and I had been unable to close cases at the moment was frustrating, but as long as we get this warrant we should  be able to put it all together and arrest the bookie.

That is, until I showed up at the A.D.A's office and was told that I couldn't get a warrant until next week, from a man who was literally a cop two years ago. He knew how serious of an issue all of this is and, yet.

"What do you me 'no'?" I asked, copying his dumb American accent as I spoke the word. Saul walked his way through the office with a stack of files in his arms as I trailed behind him trying to convince him to give me this warrant.

"As in not yes." He answered frankly, and I sighed loudly.

"Come on Saul." Saul stopped in his tracks, and I nearly bumped into his back. Kenai stopped just as suddenly as I did, sticking her nose into the air and sniffing about. "This bookie's going around handing out beat-downs like it's candy on Halloween."

Saul turned, giving me one of those, give-it-at-thought looks before continuing forward. "On the word of a gambling addict with a head injury."

"Who also says that this bloke, Greer, keeps a very detailed little black notebook in a safe in his flat in Greenpoint." I hurry around to the front of Saul and get him to stop. "Come on mate, we get the book we close five assault cases at once."

"All right all right." Saul finally conceeds, and I turn, starting to walk away as he calls to me, "Won't be Monday- best I can do."

I smiled in thanks, wishing him the best, before heading towards the elevators. I was nearly there, when the a voice that I recognized shouted from behind me.

"Are you seeing another A.D.A behind my back?"

I laughed as I turned, waiting for Erin to close the rest of the gap between us. I throw an arm over her shoulder, walking beside her as she continues through her offices.

"'Course not doll, I just can't have everyone thinking I fancy a specific A.D.A now can I." Erin laughed, and I joined in, taking my arm off of her shoulder and pausing by the elevators.

Erin faced me, pressing the files to her chest and bending at the knees to scratch at Kenai's ears. "I heard Linda roped you into stopping at the bakery tonight, can I ask you a favor?"

"What's it then?" I replied, jabbing at the button to call the elevator.

"Can you get me some paczkis?  I absolutely love them."

I didn't recognize the name, but I nodded anyways, making a mental note to order some as I stepped onto the elevator. She called goodbye to me and I replied the same with a smile and a wave, Kenai's leash tight in my hand.

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