↞ Chapter Thirty-Eight ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-Two

Per Reagan tradition, the not-mothers serve the mothers on Mother's day. I was in charge of wine, which was served last. It was rather funny watching the boys serve Linda and Erin because they didn't really know what they were doing.

I started around with the wine.

"That was an incredible thing you three did today." Linda smiled up at me as I poured some wine in her glass, and I nodded, stepping around the table to pour Erin some as everyone else sat down.

"Yeah, returning a missing child to his mother on Mother's Day. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Nicki pipes up.

"Thanks kid."

"You know, it almost  makes me feel bad that you're waiting on us hand and foot." Erin says, thanking me for filling her glass. "Almost."

Everyone takes a seat as I finish pouring the wine for Jameson and I, as everyone other adult turned it down in favor of whiskey. I sit down next to him, kissing his cheek as I do.

"I'm proud of you Jameson." I mutter, he smiles as he takes a sip of his wine.

"Why isn't there a kids day?" Sean whined, "I've been waiting on mom all day."

The table laughs, and I couldn't help but crack a smile at the two boys sitting across from me. I was still on a bit of an emotional high after the pair of them called me "Uncle Jett" earlier.

"Are you kidding me?" Henry snorts, "It's kids day everyday."

Before the conversation could turn into anything more, Frank walked in with his "Mother's Day Mash" that I've heard so much about.

"Just in time Dad," Erin smiles, and I notice that he looks at ease, which was different then when I saw him yesterday.

"Sorry." He smiles, before dishing out some of the mash on the two mothers plates first, before making his way around the table to everyone. "Thanks for making it for me Nicki, Jett."

"Oh, no," I took a sip of my wine, "That was all Nicki." I lean forward, looking to smile at her.

"They're a little lumpy." Nicki protests, but Frank is quick to ease her mind.

"Well, that's exactly how your grandmother liked it." Frank takes his seat at the end of the table, and Henry leans forward a bit.

"Did you talk to the mayor?" He asks, and I realize there is something specific that he isn't tell us, or rather, that Frank can't tell us.

"No, but I sent him a letter." I look over at Henry, who looks startled, Frank smiles. "I sent him the recipe for my Mother's Day Mash."

Everyone laughs, though we aren't exactly sure why. I reach under the table for Jameson hand, lifting it to my lips and kissing the back of it. He smiled at me, leaning towards me.

"I love you." He mumbles, packing me on the cheek.

"Well," Frank claps his hands together. "We ready to eat?" Everyone around the table said some version of yes, and we all bowed our heads. "Sean, you're the youngest."

Sean sighs loudly, before smiling and starting to speak. "We thank you, God, for our mothers." I wasn't sure exactly what I was expecting, but when Erin started to speak, I couldn't help but feel more sentimental than before.

"I thank you that she gave me life, and nurtured me all of those years." I could hear the smile in her voice as she thought of her mother.

Linda spoke next, "She gave me my faith, and helped me to know you and to know Jesus and his ways."

Jameson's hand tightened in mine, he pulled my hand closer. "She taught me how to love."

"And how to sacrifice for others." Henry said it with a chuckle.

Jack spoke next, and when I peaked at him he was looking at his mum. "She taught me it was okay to cry and to always tell the truth."

Linda chuckled, but I could tell she was proud of her boys, she looked over at them with a bright smile.

"Bless her with the graces she needs and which you want to give her today." Nicki spoke, followed by Danny.

"Help her to feel precious in your eyes today and to know that I love her."

Then it was my turn.

"She taught me to live every day like it was going to be the best day." My thoughts went to my mum, and I missed her so much in this moment.

"Give her strength and courage, compassion and peace."

"Bless her this day with your love, amen." We all finished, doing the sign of the cross, and digging in.

It was quiet for a moment, as everyone ate. I let go of Jameson's hand, ignoring the look of dramatic pain he gave me as I released it. I grabbed the pepper out of the center of the table, sprinkling a bit on my salad, before setting it back on the table and holding his hand lightly.

Danny started talking about the case, and how he was glad that Patrick was finally back with his mother. It was like the perfect way to end a not-so-great weekend, and somehow Frank read my mind, voicing that to the table.

There was a lull in the conversation, just for a moment, as Jameson quickly lifted my arm up and rolled down my sleeve to show the table my new tattoo.

"Jett got a tattoo." He said it like he was tattling on me, and I smiled, pulling my arm from his grasp and hoping that the family wouldn't think negatively of it.

"Ooh let me see, let me see." Nicki nudge Jameson back in his seat, leaning towards me. I offered my arm to her, and she smiled. "I like it."

"Mm, me too." Erin spoke through a mouthful, and I smiled in a form of thank you.

I looked down at my arm, offering my hand to Jameson before looking around the table. "It's for my mum and dad." I sighed, "Fifteen years ago, yesterday."

Danny looked like he was re-thinking everything when I said so. "That's why yesterday-"

"Yesterday wasn't a great day," I shook my head, before reaching for my wine glass. "But today we toast the mum's we have at this table, Erin and Linda, the best of the best."

"Erin and Linda!" The rest of the table joined in, and I took a sip.

I turned to look at Jameson, a small smile on my face as I looked him in the eyes. He leans the rest of the distance, planting a kiss on my lips that I am more than happy to return.

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