↞ Chapter Thirty-Seven ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-Two

"We have to get back." Nicki appeared at my elbow, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Its going to take at least  an hour for us to make Grandpa's potatoes."

I sighed loudly, turning to shoot a glare her way, before throwing an arm over her shoulder. Kenai's leash hung in my right hand, as Kenai was playing with the boys in the grass twenty feet away from us. I kept a constant eye on her and the boys, which led to Nicki being able to sneek up on me. "Christ Nicki, don't sneak up on me like that."

"Language." Jameson was looking at Danny from across the drive, a sad look in his eyes.

"Sorry love." I kissed his cheek, hoping to distract him from whatever he was feeling. I was unsuccessful, and I knew it was because of the argument he had with Danny. "I'll be back."

Nicki hummed, taking a step closer to Jameson as I walked away. Sean and Jack were wrestling in the grass, attempting to get Kenai riled up, and then I noticed that Linda looked about ready to explode as she started to walk towards them. I beat her to them, waving her off with a smile.

"Alright guys, come on you'll ruin your Sunday clothes." I bent at the waist, lifting Jack off of Sean and setting him on his feet. Kenai bounced at me, starting to latch onto her leash, I gave her a look. She sauntered off, taking a seat on the concrete behind me. Jack and Sean looked at each other, before looking back at me with a pair of wicked matching smiles. Jack ran at me first, jumping into my arms before Sean ran at my legs. I hit the ground hard, the wind getting knocked out of me. "Oh it is on." I shouted with a loud laugh.

I grab at Sean, tickling his sides while also trying to reach for Jack. He dodged me, and I sat up, holding Sean in one arm and standing to my feet. He giggled loudly, trying to wiggle free. Jack tried to run, but I reached him before he could. I threw him over my shoulder, jumping up and down as he laughed loudly. I spun around, trying to make the boys dizzy and nearly loosing my balance in the process.

"Uncle Jett stahp!" Sean yelled from his spot under my arm, and I did what he asked. I set Jack on his feet, then Sean, before grabbing him by his shoulders and ducking down to his height.

"What did you just say?" I smiled excitedly, he smiles just as bright.

"Uncle Jett!" Jack and Sean shout at the same time, and I smile even brighter, if that's possible.

I do something very uncharacteristic of myself, and squeal excitedly, hugging each of them in one arm tightly. "Thank you boys." Jack accepts the hug, hugging me back with his short little arms, Sean's a little less welcoming. He attempts to wiggle free, and just as I let him go he runs off, directly into his mum.

"Sorry mom!" He shouts, before heading towards his dad. I watch him go, seconds later Jack follows.

I look up at Linda smiling as bright as quite humanly possible, "Did you hear them?"

She shakes her head, before looking up at me with a smile. "Yeah, I heard 'em."

I step towards her, hugging her around the shoulders in my excitement. "Linda I have to say, your kids are bloody fantastic." She pats my back, and as I step back she looks over at them.

"I have to agree with you."

I start to say something else, but Danny shouted my name. He starts running towards me, Jameson in tow, an urgent look on both of their faces.

"Keith Daley?" I asked.

Danny nodded, "Yeah, called his mother. Number comes back to a house here in Brooklyn. Jamie's tagging along."

I nod, "Of course."

Danny kisses Linda's cheek, before saying he was going to take the car. I shook my head, holding up my keys. "I got it."

"Then I can take Kenai." Linda takes the leash from me and I smile in a way of thanks. The three of us head towards me car, I take drivers seat and Jameson beats Danny to the front seat. Which means I got to watch Danny climb into the back seat.

Luckily, I had lights installed, police issued, legal lights, on the front of my car for situations like these. I flipped them on the second we got in, tearing out of the parking space and driving down the streets kind of like a mad-man. A glance to my rear-facing mirror told me that Danny was enjoying my driving, while out of the corner of my eye I could see Jameson bracing himself on the doorway.

We reached the address in a matter of minutes, and I took point. "Officer Reagan, Danny, head around back please."

I addressed Jameson as 'Officer Reagan' just because I wasn't really sure what else to do in this situation. They did as I asked, and I waited a moment before heading up the front stairs. I knocked three times.

"Who is it?" A man shouted from inside.

"I've got a delivery here." I can hear the guy grumbling from inside as he makes his way to the front door. He opens it, and I recognize the face of Keith Daley. "Keith Daley, Detective Inspector Jethro Howards. I'm going to need you to ask you a few questions." I hold up my shield, smiling in a cocky way.

The guy panics, like most, turning to run. I take my time, opening the door and shutting it behind me before making my way into the kitchen. Jameson and Danny had a grip on the man, and Danny was already questioning him.

"I never laid a hand on him! I never hurt him!" Daley shouts from his spot on the floor as Danny handcuffs his hands behind his back.

"You never laid a hand on him huh?" Danny shouts as Jameson picks the guy off of the ground. "I didn't even tell you what you're under arrest for punk."

"Robin! Robin told me I had to or she'd leave me!" Daley was quick to give up his girlfriend, and to be honest he looked about ready to shit his pants.

"So why the hell is Robin telling you to kidnap and kill a little kid for?" Danny gets up in the guys face, shaking him around a bit.

"No no no no no you got it all wrong! She said if she didn't have a baby she was going to kill herself."

That set Danny off more than anything else. He basically lifted the guy out of Jameson's hands, slamming him up against the wall. I stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder before addressing Daley.

"Patrick's still alive?"

All I got, was a terrified nod of his head, and a woman stepping into the house.

Five-years-older-Patrick in tow.

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