Wolfstar - Drawing

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Sirius Black sat on the comfortable chair by the fire. His boyfriend, Remus, sat cross legged on the sofa, writing something in a notebook that Sirius had never seen before.

They sat there for an hour, chatting quietly, the only other sounds were the crackling of the flames and the scratch of Remus's pencil across the page.

Sirius wondered to himself why Remus smiled everyone he looked at his page, and why he looked up at Sirius so often. He knew the notebook wasn't Remus's diary - Sirius had seen that - and he knew it wasn't school work.

Remus looked up at him again, seemingly analyzing the angles of his jawline and cheekbones, and Sirius realized it was in reference - Remus was drawing him.

He spoke. "I didn't know you drew Moons."
Remus looked surprised, but not defensive. "I'm surprised it took you so long to notice, I'm always drawing!"

Sirius remembered the odd times in class, or by the Great Lake, or in the Great Hall, where he and the boys would see Remus writing something in his notebook, but they always dismissed it.

Sirius realized it had never been writing, it was constant drawing, his pencil making small, careful lines on the paper, and that the notebook had never been a notebook - it was a sketchpad.

Sirius smiled. "Can I see?" He asked. "You were drawing me, correct?"

"Correct." Remus replied, and shyly turned the sketchpad round so Sirius could see it. He got up and carefully took the precious book out of the younger boys hands, settling down next to him as he flicked through.

The drawings were good, really good. Sirius's breath caught in his throat as he flipped the pages.

A soft "whoa!" Escaped his throat.

There were beautifully shaded drawings of the Forbidden Forest, coloured pictures of the Hogwarts Express and the Great Lake at sunset. There were drawings of views obviously observed from the top of the Astronomy Tower, and some of James, Peter and Sirius sitting at a table in the Great Hall, or curled together sleeping.

And there were many pictures of Sirius. Sick Sirius, sleepy Sirius, happy Sirius, sad Sirius. The picture from today - perfectly capturing the shadows that the flickering flames cast on his pale skin, thinning his face and emphasising his eyes.

They were incredible, and full of talent. They were all signed

Remus John Lupin.

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