Romione - Stomach Flu

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Ronald Weasley-Granger turned over in the middle of the night and reached for his wife. She wasn't there. He figured she had gone to get a glass of water, or to go to the bathroom, so he rolled over and was instantly asleep again.

The morning sun crept through the curtains, causing a splash of gold to cast itself over the sleeping couple's frames. It woke Hermione. She rolled over and woke up her husband.

"Ron. Ronald. Get up! Happy anniversary"
"H'ppy ann'vers'ry babe" Ron mumbled. He swung his legs out of bed. "I'll make breakfast this morning. It'll be toast though. That's the only thing I can make."
He sauntered down the stairs. "Come down when your ready!" He yelled.

Hermione got up and mustered the strength to swing on a robe and slowly follow her hopeless husband downstairs.

"Harry and Ginny are coming over later" She reminded him.
"Oh yeah. We might have to get dressed." Hermione only hummed in response as he put the plate of toast and jam on the table.

Ron dug in, while Hermione nibbled a corner before bolting into the bathroom. Ronald, having already finished two slices of toast, followed her.

As Ron stood outside the door he could hear muffled retching from within the white room.

"Come on 'Mione. Let me in please!" He knocked softly on the door again. Her answer came the same as it had the last time. (Does that make sense?)

"No. Go away. Be out in a minute."

Ron sighed, his back slid down the door until he was sitting in front of it. His hands clasped his knees and he leant his head against the door and listened to his love's pain. It was driving him crazy.

God, how he loved her. His heart broke whenever she was in pain. But he would never admit it.

He came back to the present to hear... Nothing? Wait...

"Shit." He mumbled. "Alohomora"

The bathroom lock clicked, and the door swung open to reveal Hermione slumped on the floor, passed out from exhaustion and sickness.

Ron ran to her and flushed the toilet, before levitating her up the stairs and onto the bed.

Gathering water, a bucket, some toast and a thermometer, he took the stairs two at a time and jogged back to Hermione; not wanting to leave her alone for too long.

He sat on the bed and pulled out his mobile, dialling the number he knew so well.

"Hey Ron, what's up?"
His best friend's voice echoed through the phone.

"Hey Harry, Hermione's not feeling great so could we postpone our get-together?"

"Of course! Do you need any help?"

"No thanks, I've got it sorted. I'll text you or Gin the details soon. Thanks for understanding."

"Of course mate, okay, I've got to go. Tell Hermione I hope she feels better soon!"

"I will, look after my sister dude"


"I trust you. Bye!" Ron hung up.

He turned to Hermione, who had been listening in for the end of the conversation.

He put the thermometer in her mouth before she could say a word, and placed the bucket down by her side of the bed.

It beeped, and he took it out and looked at the illuminated numbers.

"101 degrees, definitely a fever babe, but it's not too bad."

He turned the TV onto a Disney movie at low volume and handed Hermione the water and toast before instructing her to drink the whole glass, and nibble on some toast if she felt up to it.

They moved closer to each other and Ron wrapped his arms around Hermione is a warm, loving embrace, before settling down to watch 'The Beauty and the Beast' (Disney got some badass female leads)

They very quickly fell asleep, tangled in the sheets and each others arms.

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