Request: Weasley Twins xreader

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For just_trashonly
Sorry that I've been MIA!
I don't really like how I've written this but I was 'Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent' (thank you Lewis Capaldi)
I hope y'all enjoy!

Fred and George Weasley had always done everything together. They'd transfigured Ron's teddy bear together, they set up Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes together, they'd passed exams together.

This had never been a problem. They enjoyed doing things together, especially seeing as they'd always had similar interests.

It became a problem in their fourth year.

They both had a crush on y/n.

You see, y/n could tell them apart just by looking at their freckles, or their hairstyles, or the small white scar on Fred's chin from when he fell off his bike when he was five.

Y/n had eyes that twinkled as mysteriously as theirs, and dimples, and a puppy dog smile.

They were friends. The Weasley twins got really close with y/n in fourth year. They wrote to each other over the summer, talking about pranks and siblings and The Wizarding World.

In fifth year, George and Fred had whispered arguements and heated debates over y/n. It was everything a childish crush should be.

When they left Hogwarts, the twins and y/n talked regularly and visited each other. The shop was practically co-run by y/n.

The crush continued, even after Fred proposed to Angelina.

But everything changed after Fred's death. George pulled away from everyone, including y/n. He and Angelina arranged the funeral, and then he left. Nobody heard from him for a long time. His crush on y/n was shattered, and with it the childish innocence that the twins used to be able to conjure up like magic, even when they were no longer children.

It was like half of George's life had disappeared, but that left room for the nightmares and PTSD. The self consciousness about his ear.

The running of the joke shop was left purely to Angelina and y/n, and, when he grew up, Fred's unborn child.

Sorry this is really short. I couldn't really think of anything to write, and even though I really appreciate requests, I feel as though I didn't do as well on this one as I would like.
I wanted it to symbolise the the loss of childhood as you grow up, and things that excited you before may become disinteresting.
I hope that was clear-ish! Love y'all!

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