Request: Are You Proud Of Me?

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Not really sure how I'm gonna do this, but thanks so much for the request GreenEyeBooks! I hope this is ok!

Looking back on her life after Fred's death, Rosie Black thought about whether her parents and Fred would be proud of her.

She knew her parents were proud when she was born, but that can't have lasted long because she ended up with the Malfoys soon enough.

She knew the Malfoys were proud of her when she started Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor, and she knew they were proud when she wrote home about her new friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, or when Terry came back to her house for the first time ever.

She remembered how Fred used to look at her with Dean, Fred's eyes filled with barely concealed jealousy and longing. After the rumour got out there were hints of sadness in his eyes as well.

Dean and her were never meant to last. They had an argument and broke up, and in her fifth year Fred made his move. They got together soon after, for a couple of months the secret romance was bliss, Rosie remembered the exhilaration of keeping it from the Malfoys and her friends and the rest of the Weasleys.

Then they were caught. Before they could do anything, the whole school knew that Fred Weasley and Rosie Black were in a serious relationship and spending time with Ron and Ginny became increasingly awkward.

She remembered crying about it one night in the Gryffindor common room, with Fred rubbing her back and whispering sweet words to her. She would wonder if the relationship was going to destroy her friendships and whether it would be better if they just broke up. Fred would beg her to stay, wiping the tears from her pale cheeks as he looked into her grey eyes. He was still jealous, she knew that, but she didn't mind - she thought she would be too in his situation.

Then the Battle of Hogwarts. She fought in it, of course, along with her friends. But something inside her snapped when she heard Fred cry, heard him breathe his last breath, and watched the light leave his eyes. She remembered feeling numb, but furious, running off in search of his killer. Whenever someone would try to interrupt her search with hexes and curses thrown at her, she would duel back with careless vigour, but the same incredible talent that she'd always had.

She finds her. Of course she does. It was a short fight, Rosie only uttering a few sharp words before killing Bellatrix Lestrange, blinded by anger and hatred for the woman who took her entire world away from her. Rosie killed her, and ran. She ran without any idea of where she was going, but she knew that He would find her. He who must not be named.

And he did. Just like she found Bellatrix. He took great delight in killing her slowly, casting hexes meant to pain her, but she just laughed in his face. Her life flashed before her eyes seconds before the green light and the shout came and two bodies crumpled lifelessly to the floor. Rosie Black, and their baby boy.

In the end, Rosie wasn't afraid of death. She wanted to join her long-term boyfriend and parents, they would have their baby in the afterworld, and she knew that Fred and her parents would be proud of her.

I hope that was okay and that I included everything you wanted, I hadn't really done anything like this before so it took me a while but I really enjoyed writing it! It was fun to explore different types of stories and I've fallen in love with Rosie as an OC! Well done creating her!

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