Request: Drarry

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This is for whitediamond23, who asked me for some Drarry, and I love Drarry, so here we go! Also someone's doing fireworks outside my window??? At 10:30 pm???

Draco and Harry loved moving into their new apartment. They loved their neighbours, and they loved the views. Sadly, they didn't love the new washing machine.

Neither of them had ever used a washing machine like this one in their lives. Mr Weasley had made it for them as a housewarming present, and, unhelpfully, it hadn't come with an instruction manual.

They'd put their Quidditch gear in to be washed first, but it was taking a while.

"Should we press this? Or this? Or what about this one?"
Draco sighed. "Pathetic, Potter - Harry, hon, we can't just press random buttons! It's not gonna work."

"Let's start by turning it on." Draco pressed what looked like the power button. "Why isn't it doing anything?"

Harry held a cardboard tub out to Draco. "Babe I think we have to put washing powder in first."

"Oh yeah! Thanks Harry." They scooped some out and sprinkled it into the compartment, then pushed the silver plastic drawer back in.

Suddenly, buttons lit up red and green and gold. The duo high fived in success. They turned the dial to 'Robes - eco', and tried pressing the power button again.

This time it worked, and you could hear the water and detergent mixing as the machine spun. They watched it for a second, praying that it wouldn't turn their robes orange, before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Nailed it!" They agreed, and shared a short, but passionate kiss before heading off to finish unpacking the bedroom.

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