Drarry - Cold + Fluff

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I really just wanted to write some Drarry fluff, but I needed an illness, so a cold it is. Also, guess who's updating!!! Yay!!! Okay, let's get into this...

Draco was rudely jolted awake by an explosive sneeze.

"Bless you" he mumbled - more out of habit than actually being aware of the situation, and turned over, snuggling deeper beneath the duvet.


It took about five minutes to sink into his sleepy brain, that if Harry was sneezing - *achoo* - he was probably sick. He turned over, suddenly feeling a lot less tired.

"Harry? Babe, you ok?"

Harry sniffled a little and blew his nose.
"I think *sniff* I may, perhaps, slightly have a little cold. Maybe."

Draco snickered slightly. "May this, or may this not be from Quidditch yesterday where I told you to take a coat, but you didn't listen to me even though it was raining?"

"Mmmaybeee?" Came the (admittedly bashful) reply.

"Mmhhmm. I see. So, we need tissues, water, cold tablets, blankets and popcorn. I'll be back in five minutes, tops" Draco heaved his body out of bed, to walk downstairs and gather the necessary items.

In five minutes, Draco and Harry were curled up together in bed, with blankets and hot, buttery popcorn, and a movie. Harry's head lay in Draco's lap, and the latter was running his fingers through the formers curls, smoothing out tangles and breathing in the tea tree smell of their shared shampoo.

What followed was a Marvel movie marathon, with Harry uncontrollably leaning into Draco's hand as it carded through his hair.

Around the time they were starting Age of Ultron, Draco's fingers moved lightly down to Harry's shoulders and lower neck, easing sore muscles from Quidditch and working out the knots, slowly working their way down his spine, and circling back up to his neck again.

All the while Harry just laid there, putting complete trust in his boyfriend, sighing in relief as his muscles relaxed and all the tension flowed from his body and his eyes closed involuntarily.

Draco felt the weight on his lap become heavier, so he switched off the movie - Spiderman Homecoming - and snuggled further underneath the covers, wrapping his boyfriend up in his arms, feeling safe, and warm, and trusted, and loved.

Didn't really know how to end this so sorry that it's terrible, but yeah. I hope everyone had a good Easter if you celebrate it, and stay safe everyone😝😝😝💙💚

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