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My stepmother, aka Queen, called to the main room... I wonder what does she need... I would like to attend our guests before they left. I should apologize one last time to Laobang...

-Jeongyeon: Have you called me?
-Queen: Yes... Actually, today I'm gonna give you a reward...
-Jeongyeon: A reward?
-Queen: Yeah, here... My dear servant Jimin, offered to acompany you to the mountain, so you can relax for the rest of the day... (smiles) You don't need to thank me... I know that I'm extremely beautiful, not only outside, but also inside... (smirks) Have fun dear...
-Jimin: Should we leave, your highness? (smiles)

-Jimin: Should we leave, your highness? (smiles)

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(A: Creidits to the artists/owner of the pic)

-Jeongyeon: Y-Yeah?
-Jimin: We'll have fun... (smirks)

I guess that I have no option... I'll need to take this chance and enjoy my day off... But, what the hell am I going to do at the mountain? Does she think that I'm a little girl who can entertain herself with flowers? Tch... So stupid...

I wake up and start getting ready... Nayeon is still asleep, she's even drooling, ugh... How is she supposed to be a princess?! Just look at her...

I get closer to her, and look carefully at her face... She's sleeping peacefully... Or at least thats what I thought...

-Nayeon: (with duck lips) How much are you gonna take to kiss me?
-Lao: I'm not going to kiss you... (sighs) C'mon, start getting ready, we need to leave...
-Nayeon: Tch... One day I'll get it... (gets up and starts getting ready)

Once we are done and ready, we head to the stables in order to pick up our horses... Suddenly, Nayeon notices some people walking away...

-Nayeon: Isn't that Jeongyeon?
-Lao: Who? (looks around)
-Nayeon: Woah, she's with a boy... Is he casually... Her boyfriend? That means that he's a prince too? (excited)
-Lao: (notices the Queen looking at them from a window) I don't think he's a prince or her boyfriend...
-Nayeon: How do you know?
-Lao: He's just a hunter... The queen's servant...
-Nayeon: However, why don't we try to follow them? (smiles) They seem to be heading to the mountain... And yesterday, you said that we would prepare medicine... So, why not? Let's have fun!
-Lao: (sighs) Fine, let's go...

We follow Jeongyeon and that boy who's accompanying her until we reach the mountain

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We follow Jeongyeon and that boy who's accompanying her until we reach the mountain... I'm looking for medicinal plants, while Nayeon is just stalking they two...

-Nayeon: Lao, don't you think that having a date at the mountain like them, would be awesome? (smiles)
-Lao: (still busy with plants) I don't think they are having a date...
-Nayeon: C'mon, just look at the way he's looking at her... Look how is he taking a dagger from behind and is ready to-- What?! Laobang do something!
-Lao: The hunter won't do anything because he won't be able to kill-

It's then when I realize that the hunter is going serious with her... What the hell?! That's not supposed to happen! Snowhite must survive!

-Lao: Stay here Nayeon... (grabs a long stick)
-Nayeon: Are you seriously going to fight with that? (poker face)
-Lao: Do you think that I have a better weapon? (sighs) Let's do this...

I run towards them and push him as hard possible... Damn it, they look surprised... And I'm actually surprised that I had the guts to do that too... Woah, I'm actually fighting against a fictional character with a dagger...

-Nayeon: (grabs Jeongyeon's arm) Come with me, let's hide!

The hunter gets up really fast... He looks angry now... I guess that I messed up all his plans... He won't kill Snowhite... That's not how the story goes...

-Hunter: You... Who the hell are you?
-Lao: I'm just... A lost boy on his way back home...
-Hunter: Really? It'll be sad for you... I'll make sure that you don't walk anymore! You won't return back home... (smirks)
-Lao: Fine... Let's dance... (smirks and plays music on your phone)
-Hunter: (stops) What is that?
-Lao: Oh, this thing? (chuckles) It's just a phone... And you know, it is magic! With it, I can curse you... And you'll be, for sure, the one not able to walk anymore... (serious)
-Hunter: (gulp) Hey, w-we don't need to bring it that far... I'll leave, okay? You can keep on going back home... (laughs nervously)
-Lao: (smirks) Why, are you scared?
-Hunter: I am not... I-I just remembered that I have something better to do... See you! (rides his horse and disappears)
-Nayeon: (approaches you) Your phone is surprising, as always... (smiles)

-Jeongyeon: Lao

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-Jeongyeon: Lao... Thank you, really, thanks for saving me... (smiles) I was actually ready to kick his ass but... Anyway, I'm glad that you were here...
-Lao: It was nothing (smiles) But, listen carefully to me... Now I'm serious, you need to run inside the forest and never return back... Here you are not save... She'll do everything possible in order to kill you...
-Nayeon: She? (confused)
-Lao: The Queen...
-Jeongyeon: I knew that someday this would happen... Being this beautiful is really annoying... (sighs)
-Nayeon: Yeah, I can relate... All men fall for me... Even Lao-
-Lao: Stop dreaming out loud, please...
-Nayeon: Meany... (pouts)
-Lao: Jeongyeon, don't waste more of your time here... (smiles) Run inside the forest, c'mon...
-Jeongyeon: Could you... Could you please come with me too?
-Both: What?!
-Nayeon: That's not possible! Lao and I need to continue our trip... We are looking for someone able to bring him back to his world... We can't play with other Princess...
-Jeongyeon: Lao, I'll help you on your trip too (smiles) I may not be able to fight really well or something like that... But I'm obsessed with cleaning and I can cook took... What do you say? Help me, and then I'll help you...
-Nayeon: (pouts) Laobang... You can't help other princesses... You are my prince...
-Lao: Nayeon, you know that I'm not a prince... (sighs) And all the help is always welcomed... I guess that yes, I'll go with you... But, you'll need to follow my instructions, okay?
-Jeongyeon: Yeah, sure... (smiles) Nayeon, I guess that we'll have the time now to become friends... (sarcastically)
-Nayeon: (sighs) This was going to be a great trip... God, what happened?!
-Lao: Let's go... (rolls your eyes)

 (rolls your eyes)

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Stuck in Fairytales- Twice x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora