Wolfstar - Scar Worship

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It had been a bad full moon. It always was, but this one had been worse than usual. Remus had torn his own skin to shreds in frustration, and though the wounds were fully healed by now, Remus hated the scars they always left.

All of Sirius's attempts at cheering his boyfriend up had failed miserably. Except this one. Remus was sitting with his legs wrapped around Sirius's waist, (not like that you dirty-minded people!) braiding and rebraiding his long, dark hair.

It wasn't an ideal situation. Remus was still insecure and miserable, but at least he was distracted, and the presence of Sirius seemed to calm him a little.

They sat in comfortable quiet for a while, the only sound being the soft swish of Sirius's hair, and the gentle whispers of their breathing.

Suddenly, but carefully, as not to startle Remus, Sirius turned around. Remus didn't mind,shifting their position slightly as to be more comfortable. Remus's dark, long lashes flickered slowly up and down, as he watched his boyfriend.

Sirius slowly brought his hand up to Remus's face, and after checking for any signs of discomfort, gently caressed his cheek. He ran his fingers over the harsh scars, the pad of his thumb brushing over the physical memories no magic could heal.

"You are so beautiful." The statement fell out of Sirius's mouth, soft as a summers breeze.

Remus shook his head, but Sirius persisted, shushing him with one finger.

"You are so beautiful." He repeated, the love shining through in his voice, and eyes, and touch.

"I love you so much, you are beautiful, you are my missing half, my final puzzle piece. Remus, you are my everything. I can't stand to see you in pain. I love you, you are gorgeous, radiant, stunning. I love your scars, because they are a part of you, and I love you!"

Tears were pouring down Remus's cheeks, broken sobs the only sound to be heard.

"I love you too, so much Pads, I don't deserve you." The words tumbled out, his voice cracking and breaking.

"No, you do, Remus. That's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And you alone. Maybe someday we'll get married, have children, pets, who knows. Maybe not, but whatever we do, I am and always will be infinitely grateful that I get to do it with you."

"Thank you, Pads. I love you too, I always will do. Always"

"Always is a long time, Moons!" Came the chuckled reply.

"I know. That's why it's perfect." They lent in for a kiss at the same time, forgetting everything else in the world, as they savoured this moment, wishing it could last forever.

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