PART 9 | cliche movie players

Beginne am Anfang

I lift a hand and point my finger at the clock above me.

Straight away, it's shrills echo off the walls.

Faking a sweet smile I walk out the door, leaving the math class in shock.

I guess you could say what just happened was like the times that you would cross the street as a kid with your dad and he says 'now' just as the walking light turns green.

I remember those days.

I literally thought my dad was a wizard who went to school at Hogwarts.

Quickly swapping my math book out for my history one, I make it to 2nd class just in time to pick my seat.

Seen as hardly anyone has arrived and the classroom is basically empty, I go for the one right in the middle.

The teacher walks in barely noticing my presence. She looks so old and slim that it surprises me how she hasn't had a heart attack yet. Her grey hair extra curly and folded up into a really loose bun.

She wears pearls on her ears and round her neck. Maybe they were a present from a lover before he left for war.

The teachers actions and outfit put fossilised to a whole new level.

"Oh my gosh! He must really like you to keep coming after you!"

I turn my head toward the two girls that had entered the classroom.

One has hair so dark that I couldn't even tell if it was black or brown. Her skin is so fair and has not a single mark or blemish on it.

The taller one beside her has light chocolate brown curls that bounce against her collar bones as she walks.

They come closer to me and the fair skinned girl speaks, "Come on Michelle he and I are never getting together we are totally different and my parents despise his family."

They each take a seat either side of me.

"Hi you must be new! I'm Michelle," said the curly haired one.

"And I'm Julie," says the other.

They are so freaking beautiful.

"Kennedy," I say smiling at them.

Julie twists her short hair round her pointer finger. "I'm guessing you don't know very many people. So let's be friends."

I laugh, "Thanks. The first person I met was an absolute dick head. You guys seem way nicer."

Michelle moves her desk closer to mine. "Omg, I'm guessing that the dick was a he."

I roll my eyes, "Aren't they always?"

Julie and Michelle laugh.

I can tell we're going to get along just fine.

"Do you know his name? Was it Jersey or Caiden?" Julie asks.

"You forgot Kingston," Michelle added quickly.

Julie shakes her head, "No, King isn't really a dick like them."

I look back and forth at them.  "It was Caiden. And I had to sit with him, Jersey and King in math...But how did you know it was him?"

Julie lets go if her hair. "Well they're the players of the school, so it seemed most likely."

I cock my head to the side, "Players? Like basketball players or Cliche movie players?"

Michelle giggles, "Kennedy. The three of them are 'Cliche movie players' or theres what I call them: Fuckers."

I chuckle and push my cascading hair over my shoulders, "Fuckers?"

Julie speaks up. "Basically they go through 10 girls a week, fucking them and doing that sort of shit. Then the next week they move on to others."

I crinkle my nose. That is wrong in so many ways.

"So they've never dated a girl longer than a day?"

"Via Lowdun was Caiden's Best. They dated for like 5 months last year."

"Who's Via?" I ask.

"Only the most popular girl in school."

Michelle nods, "and a total bitch too."

"What about King and Jersey?"

"I'm not sure about King but Jersey keeps going after Julie here," Michelle says raising her eyebrows playfully at Julie.

"Michelle! I told you we are not getting together, " Julie exclaims. "just ignore what comes out of her mouth Kennedy."

I laugh. Jersey must've been who they were talking about on their way in.

Julie suddenly goes quiet.
"You know, now that I think about it."

Michelle and I look at her with a go on face.

"They never really play with girls at the start of the year... maybe a few secret make out sessions but they always focus on this certain someone. I'm not sure why."

I shrug, "maybe it's because it's the start of school and they banged to many people over the holidays."

Julie thinks about this for a second before replying with an I guess so.

"CLASS EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" Shouts the old hag sitting on her chair at the front. "We are watching a short film on The Great Depression today, no chit chatting."

I sigh and lean over to whisper in Michelle's ear, "We are so going to be depressed by the end of this."

My dad comment makes her let out a small giggle.

"SHUSH!" The history teacher says and wacks a wooden meter ruler on the table.

Geez this fossilised lady is threatening.

A/n this chapter was way longer than last ones thank god.

Omg 129 reads that actual makes me happy even tho it's kinda small compared to the thousands that others get but yeah


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