everythings falling apart

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Harry was gone everyday now and i didn't even bother going to school, Kendall, Kylie and everybody have been calling me leaving apoiligies and saying that everything will be okay, they found out about the baby. Telling my mom made me more sad i don't even think Harry told his sister. I haven't seen Harry in so many days and when he dose come home he just passes out on the floor, i wake up and put him on the couch everyday. Everything has been falling apart and i'm just living here on my own in Harry's home. The door opened and Harry stumbled in drunk and he smiled and started to laugh he falls on the couch beside me and put his hair and head in my lap and i rubbed his head. "Harry what's happening to you"? I said softly into his hair as i kissed his head but he was already asleep, i miss the old us i miss everything before the baby it did ruin my life. And i even miss Niall even though he was kind of a jerk, i just don't know what i'm doing with my life anymore i don't know what i'm gonna do if me and Harry don't work out. Niall's dating Kylie now so he dosen't want me anymore and my mom still hasn't let me back home, and i'm all alone.

"Jade...I...I'm sorry". Harry said quietly as a tear slipped out of his closed eyes and he slowly started to cry and i sniffed trying not to cry. I don't know if he was mumbling in his sleep or if he was directly saying it to me but i needed that for once i wasn't the one saying sorry. Everything has just changed and my world is just coming to a end.

The next morning when i woke up on the couch Harry was gone. "Harry" I call in the house and there was a rattling noise upstairs i ran up the stairs to see Harry in the washroom swallowing the pills and i sighed in relief, he's still here. "Harry what are you doing"? I ask and take the pills from his hands and he rubs his head "Headache". He whispers and stands up, i think this is the first time Harry has looked like Harry in while, he wasn't drunk and he wasn't all dirty.

"Love do me a favor and make me breakfast". I couldn't say no so i went to the kicthen and started the eggs as they sissled i listened to Harry complain about his headache and how the noise was bothering him. "I heard what you said last night and i don't know what's happening. I'm trying to stop but it hurts so much passing her room everyday my little baby was gonna be born and she was just taken from me. And i'm sorry for blaiming you. It's not your fault i was just angry".

"It's okay"

"No it's not i never want you to feel bad and i don't wanna be the person who makes you feel bad".

"i love you" Is all i could say because i couldn't protest and say he wasn't making me feel bad cause he was. He was the reason why i'm sad right now. "I love you too". He said but behind that smile i was doubting his words and i don't know why, Harry wouldn't lie to me ever he would never, so why do i think he did? I served him his breakfast and then went upstairs and changed when i came back down Harry was laying on the couch looking at a alterasound of what would be our baby. I sat down next to him and sighed this is tearing him apart he isn't even Harry anymore.

"We could try again..Maybe after i finish school this time". I say Harry's eyes open wider as he thinks about the idea. "B-but what if it happen's again i can't deal with this obvouisly".

"But i can Harry, i can deal with everything for the both of us".

"Okay i'm sorry".

"Don't be". I whisper leaning down and kissing his face, he smiles and kisses my lips. I haven't felt his touch in so long, i missed this i missed him. He somehow ends up on top of me and he's kissing up and down my neck moans escaping my lips, i loved it to much to close the curtains and i loved him to much to tell him to stop.


I was going back to school. I was panicking yesterday I was having a panicking attack and Harry was trying to calm me down.

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