Good morning!

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I walked down the stairs and everyone was already down.

"Hey sleepy head"! Niall said as he kissed me on the cheek. I groaned and sat on the chair arm.

"I made breakfast for us all. Were having it outside so get dressed first Jade". Kendall said. I nodded and ran back up the stairs.

I grabbed my overnight bag from the room I was staying at last night. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. The door swung open and there stood a half naked Harry. His shirt was off. I eyed him up as much as I could. "You like what you see"? He smirked. I faked laughed and said no. His eyes sparkled as they looked down at me.

"Let's hope are baby looks half as good as I do". He whispered into my ear.

"Who's baby? This is me and Niall's child". I smirked. He chuckled.

"We both know he's gonna find out sooner or later babes, and your gonna be the one left alone". He smirked.

"He wouldn't find out unless someone tells him and I'm sure he wouldn't leave me".

"Keep telling yourself that". He smirked and walked Into the room he stayed in last night.

Niall wouldn't leave me right?

He can't just do that.

I hope he doesn't.

Fuck me! And my shitty life!

I groaned as I stumbled into my room. My day is beginning to be hell.


Fifteen minutes later.

I was done getting ready I walked down stairs and everyone was sitting outside, except Harry. Good just how I like it.

I sat down on Niall's lap as he feed me bacon. Niall eats everything, I don't know why. Every time I ask, he says it's because he's a growing boy. But he's older then me, I think he's stopped growing.

I kissed him on the cheek and he whispered I love you.

"Love you too". I whispered.

The screen door opened. Harry walked over and sat by Liam.

He looked bad, not his appearance. His facial expression. He looked sad, or angry. I couldn't tell.

Why do I care?

I shouldn't, he means nothing anymore. Nothing at all.

Sixteen and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now