Family Pictures

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Harry had the wonderful idea of going to the mall and taking christmas family photos so we went to th mall, right now harry's trying on the sweater he bought for the photo and he bought me a macthing one how nice right. "I'm ready. OKay bean smile for the picture". He whispers to my tummy and he kisses my cheek well i do a funny face and then he kisses my cheek again in the next. We take a few photos and then get them printed out and Harry pays for them.

"Ready to go"? I ask Harry he nods and smiles, he skips all the way to the car and opens the door for me i get in and we drive back home. He sits the stuff we bought at the mall down and pulls me with him on the couch i smile and he kisses my lips. "I love you".

"I love you too".  He gets up and walks off and i sigh i felt really uncomfortable and there was pain, i felt a sharp pain go and i started to scream tears fell from my eyes and Harry rushed me out into the car he looked scared, worried and sad at all the same times and i couldn't even help him. He drove me into the hospital and they put me in a room leaving Harry outside to wait.


The Doctors were trying to tell i've had a miscarriage and that something went wrong. What in bloody hell went wrong? Was it me? I gave up everything to have this baby my boyfriend my friends my mom and my home and now i'm having a miscarriage. My baby's died. Oh god my baby's died. Tears started to spill from my eyes and the doctors let Harry into the room he looked devastated and it's all my fault. the doctors left us alone and i sobbed before saying. "Harry it will be alrigh"- "Don't say that! Nothing's alright we just lost our child", He yelled angrily and i cried harder he stormed out of the doors and continued to cry.


I can't believe our little baby's died. Why did i leave Jade i'm so stupid for getting mad at her it wasn't her fault and it wasn't mine either iiguess we really weren't ready for a baby. I walked back into Jade room tears still flowing from her eyes and i grabbed her hand and kissed her. "I'm so sorry Jade i really am. I shouldn't have yelled at you". 

"It's okay...I'm sorry i made the baby go away".

"It wasn't you don't say that". I say kissing her agian the doctor walks in with smpathy and hands us a clipboard with some imformation that i need to sign out so i thank him and start writing down things. "When can i leave"? She asks and i sigh. "Soon i'll just go gove this to the doctor". I walk outside and hand the papers to the doctor then walk back into the room Jade's already getting dressed back up in her regular clothes we walk out of the hospital and it's like nine or ten and i start up the car to leave. I get us home and she just sits there on the couch watching nothing on the television even though it's ten and her favourite show is on and i watch the door like someone is gonna walk in and say "I made a mistake your baby's here". I wish smeone would come in and say that. 

"I'm going out for a drink". I say not even looking at her cause suddenly i'm too angry to, i walk to the door before she can say anything and i slam it loud on the way out. I get into my car and drive to the closet pub to get totally wasted at.

Sixteen and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now