Five more months to go

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Jades POV

So we've just finished our second moth through the pregnancy and Harry wanted to celebrate so he brought home Nando's, yep that's how were celebrating.

"Harry.." I whispered poking his cheek, I leaned over to see his eyes shut and I could hear soft snores, he's asleep.

"Harry..Babe wake up". I said poking him again but he just rolled over and wrapped his arms around my waist, I sighed and kissed his forehead.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom". I whispered and got up, I walked into the washroom and then my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID it was Niall, I didn't want to answer but I didn't want to decline I've been ignoring him for awhile now. "Hello"? I said into the phone, he let out a relief sigh.

"Jade...Im sorry".

Hah he's sorry he punched Harry in the face, broke up with me turned all my friends against me and kicked me out of his house when I had no where to go, I think I should get more of a 'im sorry'.

"For what"?

"Jade don't act stupid! I'm sorry for everything and I feel bad for what happened, I miss you".

Dose he really miss me? Could I feel something for Niall again? Probably not. "Niall I"- He cut me off.

"Please Jade I don't want to do this over the phone could you come over please".


I'm not gonna leave Harry here he'll probably go crazy when he wakes up and finds me not there.

"Please Jade, I'm begging you".

"Fuck fine! I'll be over soon". I hanged up before going to the closet I put on Harry's sweater and grabbed his car keys, I looked over to see Harry still asleep. "Love you". I whispered to sleeping Harry before I jogged down stairs and put on my vans before getting into his car and driving over to Niall's.


I walked inside Niall's house after he opened it for me and I looked up into his blue eyes, still the same but a bit duller. "Jade I really do miss you". He whispered and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Please Jade don't do that, I'm trying to fucking apologies"!

"Like an apology is gonna make me forgive you"! I snapped at him, he sighed and stepped closer to me. "I love you Jade and even though you lied to me I still love you, I don't think I'll ever get over you".

"Niall"...I said but Niall cupped my cheeks and kissed me he pushed me back onto the wall, I can't do this to Harry! I love Harry. I pushed Niall off and sighed. "I'm with Harry".

"What? Your seriously gonna choice him over me"!

"I am actually he loves me, he didn't abandon me and he never will! I love him more than I ever loved you"! I spat and opened his door before leaving, oh god I feel bad for saying that to Niall but I'm not gonna forget what he did. My phone began to ring and i looked down to see Harry as the caller ID. "Harry hi your awake fully now". I say calmly but Harry groans.

"Where are you"? He says and i sigh, "I'm outside Niall's house but i'm coming home".

"What? What are you doing at Niall's plac"- "I love you Harry i'll be home soon". I said hanging up on him, i better get home fast before Harry gets worried.

Sixteen and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now