Baby Daddy

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"Niall I'm pregnant", I sighed.

"What? How? When"? Niall looked so confused.

"Niall I'm freaking out more then you. I'm sixteen. I have a whole life waiting for me. I can't raise a child". I cried. He held me In his arms. I felt relaxed.

"Okay, I understand. We'll get through this together. Why don't you tell your parents".

"Niall I can't! They'll be mad, I know my parents they expect me to be perfect". I cried.

"Honey it's the right thing".

"I'll try", I muttered.

"We have to get to school"! He whispered.

I nodded and got into his car with him. I'm having a baby. What? Me and Niall never had sex. Well I don't think. I might of been drunk well doing it. I just don't know. I sighed as he pulled up to the school.

"Bye baby"! I kissed him and stepped out of the car. He nodded and went to look for somewhere to park. I walked inside the school and my eyes searched for Kendall. She's one of my best friends.

My eyes traveled around and met a pair if green ones. It was Harry's. He's my ex, we broke up a month ago. We were together for two and a half months.

I hate him now!

"Oh! Jade"! Kendall yelled.

"Yeah"! I said.

"I have something to tell you! It's a major omg"! She said.

I nodded for her to go on.

"Harry and Bella are going out"! She whispered.

"That slut! I would like to see her and Harry dating. It wouldn't work"! I said.

Bella throne biggest slut in the world along were her best friend Zendaya.

"I know right"!

"I have something to tell you",

"Yeah what is it".

"I'm pregnant", I whispered.

She was shocked she didn't even blink.

"Are you serious"? She asked.

"Yeah, no joke. Sadly. I can't be", I sighed.

"Who's baby is it"?

"Niall's who else would it be"? I snapped.

"No one, sorry".

I knew what she was thinking. Harry. It might be, we did have sex a lot and I've never had sex with Niall.

"Ok let's go find the other girls".

We approached a big group of girls. Five to be exact.

Perrie Edwards- Fashionable one

Aria Montgomery-the edgy one

Alex Russo-the prankster

Victoria Justice- the serious one

And Ariana Grande- the artistic one

And Kendall's the smart one, I'm the screw up and that's why we all go together.

Were a tight circle, we barley let anyone in.

"Hey guys", I waved.

"What's wrong"? Perrie asked. She always knows when something's wrong.

"I'm pregnant", I sighed.

They all were shocked.

"What? With Niall"? They all asked.

I nodded.

"Oh my god! This is fantastic, name it after me if it's a girl"! Alex squealed.

She loves kids.

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better". I whispered. Everyone came and hugged me.

Great sympathy.

"I love you guys", I whispered. They all nodded.

Niall's P.O.V

I meet up with the guys.

My best friends actually.

Harry- the flirt/player

Louis- the funny one

Zayn- mysterious one

Liam- responsible one

"Hey Niall"! Louis greeted me. I just smiled.

"Um..I have some news". I whispered.

"Go on mate", Liam said.

"Well Jades pregnant".

They all were shocked. I didn't want to look at there faces.

"Please don't tell anyone yet". I asked.

"Sure Niall we won't", Liam said.

"Are you sure it's your baby, she is a slut". Harry chuckled. I pushed him into the locker.

"Fuck off Harry"! I snapped, I'm not in the mood.

"Harry shut up! He's stressed already"! Liam said. Harry shrugged it off and smirked.

"I don't remember having sex with her". He sighed.

"Then it's not your baby mate", Harry dryly chuckled.

It has to be though, I was probably drunk or something. It's my baby.


Jade's P.O.V

School was over and I was happy. I was walking up to the parking lot when someone stopped me.

"Niall told me about the baby". Harry said.

"What do you want"? I asked.

"It's mine isn't it"? He asked.

"No, it's not it's Niall's".

"Oh c'mon he told me you guys never had sex, it has to be mine".

"Even if it is yours I wouldn't care. I wouldn't let you touch it or see it. Do you hear me. Now leave me the fuck alone, and if you say anything to Niall about this I will fucking kill you".

I snapped. I think these are my hormones talking.

"Whatever"! He waved me off. I went back to looking for the girls.

Were having a sleepover like we do every weekend. And the weekend had just begun.

I spotted Ariana's red hair, I ran over to her. "Lets go"! I said. They all nodded and got into Kendall's jeep. I sat in the back like always.

And Aria was in the passengers seat.

"So Alexa what's going on with you and Louis"? Perrie asked.

"Oh god please don't, you'll make me blush again. Were fine", She laughed.

"What's going on with you and Zayn"? I giggled as I looked a Perrie, waiting for her to answer.

"Were fantastic! He told me he loved me last night. It gave me happy butterfly's and I said it back"! She giggled.

All of our hair was moving in the wind I could barley see.

"So you and Niall, having a baby. When's it's due"? Kendall asked.

"I don't know, I just took the pregnancy test yesterday. I didn't talk to a doctor yet". I sighed.

"Were here! Get your stuff Jade"! She shouted. I hopped out of the car and ran In my house. I ran up the stairs and grabbed my overnight bag. I ran back outside and shut the door. I got back in the car.

"Now we can go to my house"! Kendall squealed.

We laughed as she speed away from my house.

Sixteen and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now