Wakin in your arms

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I woke up feeling warm, and cozy. Harry's arms were around me, his lips in a thin line. I smiled to myself and pulled his arms off me.

"Hazza, wake up". I whispered. He groaned and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your cute in your sleep". He whispered. "But I woke up first".

"You also slept first". He smirked and rolled out of his bed, I smiled down at the floor. I stumbled out of the bed, and sighed. I miss Niall so much, I miss his warm kiss in the morning and his pancakes. "Babe you alright"? He asked.

"I'm not your babe you know? I just don't know who to go to and your the only one, and you got me knocked up. Were not anything, and your not anything to me"! I snapped. I'm cranky in the morning, but he probably doesn't remember.

"Your just cranky like you always are, calm down there's nothing to be mad about". He remembered.

"Yes there is! I lost my boyfriend! I'm pregnant! I have nowhere to go! And I'm alone, my friends are busy and I'm stuck here with you"! I growled. He rolled his eyes and opened his bedroom door for me, "What"? I asked.

"Go down stairs unless you wanna see me change". He winked, I scoffed and walked down the stairs and sat in the kitchen.

"Jade darling is that you? I haven't seen you in so long, I missed your company, Harry's no fun without you". I was kinda surprised about about that. Harry's no fun without me? He was fun with me? Since when?

"Yes it's me, hello Gemma, how have you been? I missed you a lot too". I sighed.

She gave me a confused look, "What's wrong"? She asked. Tears started to brim my eyes, and they fell.

"My mom kicked me out of my house". I paused. "Don't worry honey, stay here as long as you want. Is that why your here? Your not getting back together with Harry"? She asked disappointed.

"Ugh no, I'm not planning too. He's just a-a friend, I guess".

"Why did your mother kick you out"?

"Um...Because...Im pregnant". I sighed. Gemma was shocked, "How? Do you know who's baby it is? Shouldn't he be helping you"? She asked.

"It's um..." I mumbled.

"What's up"? Harry entered the room. "Dod you know Jades pregnant"? Gemma asked. Harry's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Well who is the guy"? she asked again.


"Me" Me and Harry said at the same time, her eyes widened and she looked disappointed at Harry. "Harry"....She started but couldn't finish, she walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry Harry, I know Gemma is all you have, I shouldn't have got her mad at you". I sighed. "I just keep screwing up don't i"? i asked.

"What do you mean? I have you and the baby, that's enough. I don't know how your screwing up".

"First off I had sex with you, I dated a asshole for awhile, I got kicked out of my house and I just got Gemma pissed at you. I'm a total screw up".

"I'm not a idiot and Gemma won't be mad forever, besides she's moving out In a week".


"She's going to Uni,"

"Oh" I sighed.

"What do you want for breakfast"? He asked.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go call Kendall". I said standing up and looking for my phone, I picked it up and dialed Kendall's number.

It went straight to voicemail, so I tried the rest of the girls. All straight to voice mail, even Demi and Kylie. What the hell?

"Harry can you call Louis"? I asked.

"Why"? He asked. "I don't wanna explain just do it please". Maybe he'll tell me why everyone's not answering me. "He didn't answer me".

"What you too"? Shit what's happening? Why are they ignoring me? Is it on purpose? "What's wrong"? He asked mixing the batter to what I assume is pancakes.

"Everyone of my friends are ignoring me! I don't know why. What did I do? Did I upset someone"? I paced back and forth. "Here take this". Harry handed me a glass of water, I shook my head at it. "I can't I'm, freaking out". I sighed."Chill". He smirked.

"Chill! Chill! Are you fucking crazy? You don't tell a women to chill"!

"I wasn't telling a women, I was telling you". He smirked. "This isn't the time to be a smart ass Harry". I snapped at him, and checked my phone again.

"Look I'm sure you didn't do anything, just sit down and relax eat the pancakes, and I'll wake Marcel, so he can find out what's happening". He smiled. I looked down to see the pancakes already ready in front of me, I smiled. "Thank you". "Yeah save the thank you, I'll get Marcel". He chuckled and ran up the stairs,

"Y-you need my help"? Marcel startled me. Marcel looked adorable with his curls loose instead of styled.

"You look great Marcel, you should keep it like that". I smiled. He blushed and smiled. "Thank you".

"Well yes I need your help, can you find out why my friends are ignoring me"? I asked. He nodded, "Thank you thank you thank you! You don't know how important this is"! I said kissing his cheek, it turned red.

"Ugh..your welcome". He smiled and sat next to me, Harry came back down.

"Marcel, can you stop eating". Harry chuckled at him. Marcel stopped and looked down.

"Leave the poor boy alone Harry! Gosh pick on someone your own size". I smirked. He chuckled and walked over to me, "Okay then". He said hoisting me over his shoulder and throwing me on the living room couch. I squealed, this felt like old times. Me and Harry flirting and actin like people who were in love. He fell on top of me and kissed my forehead, "If this kids anywhere like you, I think will get along fine". Harry smiled. "Whatever". We both know I'm not letting him around the kid, I know I should because he's her father but Harry's just too....."C'mon let's go"! He pulled me up and opened the door.

"What where? I'm not even dressed".

"It's okay will get clothes on the way".

"But my hair it's ug--" He cut me off.

"You look beautiful". he smiled and helped me out the door.

"Bye Marcel bye Gemma"! I yelled before shutting the door.

Sixteen and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now